Hey Sandy,

I had four inside cats until Cricket passed.  They all
have free roam of the house except the guest bedroom
and bath.  Cricket didn't really have a spot in the
house.  He just went where I went.  When he got sick,
he did pick a spot behind a big plant in our bedroom. 
He got along with everyone and was a very
"Beatles-like" kitty: live and let live.  LuLu, my
Siamese mix, is the sweetest thing and she pretty much
stays in our bedroom.  Now that Cricket has passed
though, she has been coming out more.  Pepper, LuLu's
sister, is black like Cricket, and she is kind of a
bully and stays in the "kitty room" where her tree is.
 She has also come out of her room more since Cricket
passed.  Julie is our geriatric kitty-she is 16 years
old.  She lived in our garage/outside until last
September when she was mauled by the neighbors boxer
who got out of their fence (and the sorry guy lied to
animal control and said it wasn't his dog even though
they could see the blood to prove it; he just got
fined by the city a year later for that incident). 
Julie moved inside after the attack to recover and
since she was so happy, we kept her inside.  She is a
new kitty now.  She hangs out in the kitchen
(lol-waiting for chicken broth) and on the carpet
right by the kitchen.  She races through the house
when she is happy.  

I think that there is some truth to the territorial
thing, but I don't think the kitties need much space
as long as the space they have isn't invaded.  There
are some kitties that can be jerks though.  I have one
outside cat that just doesn't like other cats.  My
outside kitties have access to the yard and the garage
and they get along pretty well.  There are 5 of them,
plus two strays that hang around.  I would probably
have more except for my husband; he's like yours. 


--- Dudes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm always amazed when people say that they have
> lots of cats.  I would
> probably have a lot more if my husband didn't stop
> me.  I have always had
> dogs my entire life, until we were adopted by our
> first cat, Miss, some
> years ago.  I remember the exact moment that I knew
> I loved her.   I looked
> into her eyes as she sat in the crook of my arm
> purring, just staring at me
> with half closed eyes in contentment.  I was amazed
> at how calming and
> peaceful a cat is.
> But on the other hand, I have 4 who are all indoors,
> and they barely get
> along.  I can't imagine what would happen if we
> added more.  Aren't cats
> notoriously territorial?  I consider myself a cat
> novice, so I wonder what
> those of you with lots of cats observe about yours.
> Sandy

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