
I live close to Dallas, and when Cricket got sick
recently, I was scared because I wasn't too confident
with our run-of-the-mill vet around the corner from
our neighborhood.  So what I did was call around to
the various vets in our town and actually spoke to
eact VET, not the tech or other employees, and told
them Cricket's situation and listened to what each vet
had to say.  They were all fairly happy to speak with
me before coming in to see them.  This gave me a great
(and inexpensive) feel for each vet and their
knowledge of FeLV and bedside manner.  That way I
didn't have to physically visit each one to get this
info.(not to mention pay for an office exam for each
one).  I was surprised that a simple phone
conversation led me in a better direction for care for
Cricket.  Hope this helps, especially since you live
in the boonies and vets are few and far between.  Good
luck in your search.


--- David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, Kerry::
> I really appreciate your response to my letter.  I
> can already agree with you:  Most
> supportive/generous/kind-hearted/informed... To the
> Nth degree!
> And thank you for your 'blessing'.  I took it to
> heart.  You know, I don't think I'm 'special' for
> taking in strays.  Rather, I'm always astonished
> (but not surprised, anymore) that EVERYone DOESN'T. 
> And to fully acquaint you with how convoluted MY
> thinking is, I always find OTHER 'animal people' to
> be unique, and am always grateful that they're out
> there.  How's THAT for confusion?  <smile>
> You are obviously one of 'us'; and, true to form, I
> am amazed and gratified to find another!  (at least
> I'm CONSISTENTLY confused!)
> I appreciate your thoughtfulness in urging me to try
> to stop the 'blame game.'  You're right, of course,
> but logic just ain't quite cuttin' it about now. 
> Nevertheless, your advice encouraged me.
> Yes, I switched vets, but I'm not that enamored of
> the new one.  The sad facts are that I live in the
> boonies, and the vets around here are geared toward
> large-animal medicine.  And geography can also be
> blamed for the dearth of choices.  I am looking into
> vets in 'the big city' (about 11/2-2 hrs away) and
> also at the OSU vets (about 3 hrs away).  It would
> be hard NOT to find a better-informed vet, and I'd
> like to think I could find one that would also be
> more caring/concerned/sympathetic...
> I hear you, re:  "...took...a
> realize...naive belief...etc."  Being a nurse, I of
> ALL people should know how UNinfallible medical
> personnel are, just like the rest of the human race.
>  But I just...didn't.  What reasoning!!
> RE:  "...there may be no point in vaccinating."  I
> understood your point about sufficiently strong
> immune systems, but wouldn't an inoculation boost
> such a system?  Or, failing that, would it do any
> harm?  And isn't there a possibility that even in my
> younger cats, some immune systems aren't all that
> they could/should be?  
> I was amazed about your '6th'.  And definitely took
> your meaning about the poinlessness, a/w/a/ the
> heartlessness in separation.  And I can also
> completely understand your paranoia re:  negative
> cats. 
> Your excerpt from the book (which I intend to find)
> was also most enlightening, and lightening.
> Again, I am most grateful!  It really helped!
> Take care, 
> Gia

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