Sandy,when I first found out my Maizee had felv I also found out she had a huge lymphoma that was crushing her airway and she couldn't swallow her food without regurgitating it first.As soon as we found out about the lymphoma they put her on chemo treatments and within 3 days she was breathing and eating as normal.Then 3 months later she started coughing again and they took another x-ray thinking she might be coming out of remission,and the tumor was 99% gone.But they still believe that she had come out of remission,and I decided to just keep going with the protocol we were doing,cause anymore would have stressed her and I decided not to put her through a ton of more tests.She lasted 6 months after the initial findings of everything.I spoiled her and took tons of pics of my beautiful girl.Good luck with your kitty,this disease is a horrible thing to deal with.

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't know Sandy, I don't have any experience with treating lymphoma.  Michelle is our resident expert on that, (unfortunately for Michelle).   I do know that I've stopped listening so gravely to the prognosis' of vets.  Miracles happen every single day and since this is a suspicion and has not been determined, I would fight hard against the urge to give up hope that Cotton is here for a good long while.  Didn't you say that he was acting like the feisty little kitten he is?  What did this vet suggest as your next move?  Is it possible that new xrays/diagnostics  might show something different now that he seems in so much better health?  What did his blood work indicate?  Keep your chin up, we're all pulling for you and Cotton.

Dudes wrote:
Hi Everyone;
I got a second opinion on Cotton's xray of his 2 view abdomen which we got when he was sick almost a month ago.  The vet said that Cotton's liver and kidneys are enlarged, which makes her very suspicious of lymphoma.  She said that if this is the case in both his kidneys and liver at such a young age, his prognosis is poor. 
Any thoughts?

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