Michelle, Greg helped me put all the outline together with an exhibit book – and I think I had a really good package to present.  I practiced until 5 am this morning – It was intimidating.. whenever he objects something I say.. and I did not know what to say… but I think I made the points they dismissed other concerns about diseased or sick cats are not separated form healthy ones or concern that I maybe a hoarder.. I think the photos helped well.. at the end, the hearing officer also said.. you have a really cool set up for your cats…you have a strong case,, I couldn’t invalidate the ordinance myself,, but you can at District court..  I guess I have to do more research about other case law to make my argument even stronger..


Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 9:11 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Hideyo's court case 19th


Make sure you have a written outline (I know you do already) and then just relax and stay very calm, no matter how outrageous they get. One of the more difficult-to-do secrets of legal advocacy.   I will be thinking of you! Please let us know what happens.

Good luck,


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