Chances are good that if the person who has "adopted" Misha doesn't take the cat inside on weekends or evenings, esp. in the winter, that he didn't bother to pay the extra expense to have the cat microchipped.
There are two ways to proceed (as I see it), explain to the person that Misha will most likely be attacked again, poisened or hit by a car etc....if left unattended.  (You can always say that you overheard a few people talking about that "damn cat" and discussing how best to get rid of it.....if they ask who, say you didn't know them, but overheard them describing the cat and the fact that it was urinating outside of the buildins...and the were outraged by this...)  Explain that not only will this result in horrific pain and fear for the cat, but added expense for the "owner" if the cat manages to drag itself "home".  Also explain that should the cat bite or scratch anyone or anyone's pet, or be perceived as having done so, even in self defense or while trying to get away from someone who just wanted to "pet the kitty", the "owner" would be held financially or (depending on which state you are in) criminally responsible, as it is unlawful in most states to let you "pets" roam.  Explain that an indoor cat is less likely to bring home fleas and other diseases, and how a well fed indoor cat makes an exceptional mouser.
2) Call Animal Control to complain about the loose/stray cat in your area.  Reports are kept confidential if you request they be.  Animal Control will pick up the cat (if it has been microchipped) the owner will be notified and fined.  If it hasn't been notified, simply contact the shelter in your area that Animal Control deposits at and "adopt" the cat when it is time, then you can find a better home for it, or your friend with contacts at the shelter might be able too.
Good luck.

"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi guys
The same good friend who told me about the kitty with litterbox problems that was under threat of pts (apparently happily resolved, for now at any rate) updated me on another situation.
Misha is a stray that was sort of taken in by the people who work in a studio at the same business complex where my friend works. I say sort of because although two of the workers took her to the vet after she was badly attacked, and although they feed her, they don't take her home at the weekend: ie no one is actually making Misha their responsibility. In the summer and fall Misha would be found outside after they had all locked up and gone home for the weekend. When my friend, distressed by Misha's situation, offered to try to find Misha a home, the studio owner (who my friend says seems to be a reasonable, decent guy) rejected the proposal, saying that they had "adopted" her. Recently -- and it is really cold now--- my friend found Misha miaowing in vain at the studio door to be let in. My friend knocked on the door, and one of the other workers (not the owner) opened it. When she explained the cat needed to come in, the response to her was "Haven't you got anything better to do?"
Q--where do we go from here?
If my friend just takes Misha, there's a chance a surveillance camera will record the action as it's a business location. Also, even if she did that, when she takes her to the vet, what happens if she's been microchipped by those people? Is the vet legally/ethically prevented from removing the chip and replacing it? Obligated to contact the people? My friend would not be keeping Misha as she's allergic to cats; she'd want my help in placing her in the shelter where I have a good contact. Not ideal but she would at least be cared for there. However, I'd need to know how to resolve the chip situation first.....
My friend's proposal was to talk to the owner again and try to make him understand that someone needs to take proper responsibility for the cat. My feeling was that if she fails, then she will be the first person he suspects if and when she kidnaps Misha. And the scene could turn ugly.
Even if I were to find and "rescue" the cat when I "happen to be passing by" at the weekend the microchip Q still arises. (We don't know if she's microchipped -- is there a way for a layperson to scan her without vet involvement?)
All input/info welcome on how Misha gets the care she deserves---I've no experience in this field---yet. But I know some of you heroes do.

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