If that website didn't work try www.crashslanding.org

catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Did you post about Rafferty before?  I hope you decide to take him. What a wonderful shelter that will take care of that many cats with fiv and felv!  I will keep Hardy in my prayers.

Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thank goodness for people like Tad and Marie to take in special kitties.Frederico is a lucky little guy.I too am considering fostering a FIV kitty named Rafferty,he is a handsome but funny looking guy.I have been volunteering at a local shelter,we now have 75 Fiv and Felv + cats there,I just adore them all,there is one little guy with felv who is not doing too well,his name is Hardy,please keep him in your prayers.He has a sister Laurel there too but she is very healthy so far.He is so loving,and purrs all the time.It just breaks my heart to see so many cats with these diseases when it could have been easily prevented.I also volunteer at another shelter ran by the same lady that has over 100 healthy cats.I have been keeping myself very busy since my Maizee passed.I still have very hard times when I am missing my sweet baby.You are all great loving and caring people.

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