Kerry & Michelle & All,
Bailey is still holding his own, I am actively syringe feeding now, and got a total of 125cc's into him yesterday, he was 8lbs. 4oz yesterday and I weighted him before his 30cc breakfast and he was 8lbs 5oz, so he didn't lose anymore weight since yesterday. He seems to be toerating the syringing better and I am paying attention to his signals, when he starts to struggle hard, we are done, it is usually at the 30 or 40cc mark, so he must be getting full and letting me know by really struggling. Up until he struggles I think he has resigned himself to the fact that he is going to get syringed and now seems to tolerate it OK.

I gave him about 10cc's too much for his last meal yesterday he had started to struggle quite a bit and I gave him 10 more cc's, he looked pretty uncomfortable for a good hour after wards, but didn't throw it back up, so I am paying closer attention to him and it seems to be working well. He still isn't eating more than a few bites on his own. I'm hoping once he starts to feel better he will start eating, but if not we'll be fine.

I didn't give him the epogen last night because there was a question on the anemia list as to the dosage, all of them are doing the 2000 vial size and mine is a 10000 vial size, some seemed to think that was too strong a dosage so I put a call into my vet and she was off yesterday so I hope to hear from her today (she is probably getting alittle tired of me questioning everything) :), but OH well, better to be safe than sorry so she'll just have to hate me.

I just wish he didn't feel so bony, I'm used to Bailey being on the plump side :(

Thanks everyone for the support and suggestions ...

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

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