Amen to that!!

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Wow! What an awesome guy!!!!!

--- Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> I will post to the group after they return my call -
> will ask about transportation. Luckily, if all else
> totally fails we are close enough to drive in a
> weekend. Plus we have a wonderful volunteer pilot
> who flew 11 hours to Orlando to pick up a Katrina
> kitty and bring to us iin Little Rock - we flew
> commercial to deliver to owner in Phoenix. And he
> more recently flew from Little Rock to Ft. Smith AR
> and then to Jacksonville Fl to pick up and deliver a
> little blind kitten to one of our rescue group's
> founders who now lives in Jax -- for adoption. Talk
> about a real hero - this man IS.
> "MacKenzie, Kerry N."
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Oh,
> Susan---that's wonderful news. I have no Dallas
> contacts, so I'd ideally need to know if transport
> is poss before fwding. She is beautiful----those
> eyes.....Kerry
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Susan Loesch
> Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:40 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Crosspost: >From Kittico Katrina Cat
> needs help
> I asked Gloria to fwd to FIV list - I am not yet on
> the new one. I called and committed to this kitty
> if no other solution can be found. It is in the
> Dallas area. FIV is not an issue with our rescue
> group - we mix negs and positives with our vet's
> blessing. If another solution is available it would
> be better on our end, but we won't let this kitty
> die! I left a message and will wait for a callback
> from them.
> "MacKenzie, Kerry N."
> @font-face { font-family: Wingdings; }
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> Where is the cat? Transport available or no?
> I'll fwd this to everyone I know, along with the
> location info.
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Chris
> Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:23 AM
> To:
> Subject: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs
> help
> This is a Katrina rescue whose owners have not
> been found… due to be PTS on MONDAY due to testing
> pos for FIV… Anyone here have any ideas…
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of Aaron
> Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:50 AM
> To: Stealth Volunteers
> Subject: Re: [stealthvolunteers] >From Kittico
> Katrina Cat needs help
> This is cat that needs adoption before it is
> euthanized: Pretty thing
> "LeAnne G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 18:34:55 -0600
> From: "KittiCo Cat Rescue"
> Subject: URGENT NEED - Katrina Cat in Desperate
> Situation
> One of the rescued Katrina cats is going to be
> euthanized on Monday and
> we are trying to keep this from happening.
> When we brought back the 128 Katrina rescue cats,
> several rescue groups
> stepped forward to take 2-3 cats each (the bulk of
> them remained with
> us). Another group from this area took four cats. We
> have found the
> owners of three of them, but the fourth one has not
> been reunited.
> Here's the problem: this cat has tested positive for
> feline AIDS. It's a
> healthy cat. It's a SWEET cat. She's a loving lap
> cat who loves to hang
> out with you and watch TV. And, she's beautiful. But
> she has AIDS. She's
> about 10 years old and doesn't look her age. The
> only sign of her age is
> a few missing upper teeth. To see a picture of her
> go to:
>>. She's a
> beauty!
> The group that took her has a policy of euthanizing
> cats that have
> tested positive for AIDS. They extended the policy
> because of the 90-
> day hold on Katrina cats, but now they need the
> space to rescue others.
> The foster who has kept her all this time can no
> longer keep her. They
> have given us until Monday morning and if we can't
> find a place for her
> to go, she will be euthanized. Not because of
> anything she's done. Not
> because she's unhealthy. But, because somewhere
> along the line, she
> picked up feline AIDS. She could possibly have been
> born with it.
> Feline AIDS is not transmittable to people. It's not
> transmittable to
> dogs. But, it is transmittable to other cats. It's
> not likely, but it is
> possible. It's normally transmitted by sex or
> fighting. Cats with AIDS
> (FIV) can live a normal life. Cats with feline
> leukemia usually have
> shortened lives, but AIDS positive cats are just
> like any other cats.
> It's like AIDS in humans . . . a secondary infection
> - not the AIDS - is
> what causes their demise.
> Here's how you can help. Call your Aunt who lives
> alone. Call your
> retired cousin and his wife. Call your mom. Call
> everybody you've ever
> known in your whole life. See if they have a place
> in their heart for a
> sweet, loving cat who was rescued from a horrible
> situation in New
> Orleans, kept in a loving home for several months
> and is now going to be
> killed by her rescuers. It can't hurt to try - and
> maybe somebody will
> come through and save this beautiful girl.
> Please email: , or call: 214-826-6903, ext. 1,
> if you can you help.
> ---------------------------------
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> Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add
> photos, events, holidays, whatever.
=== message truncated ===

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