Tonya – one of the things I learned from this experience, no one knows everything --- I mean even the top of animal care center person did not know their own ordinance and even an attorney does not know everything --- and but they act like they do.. and they try to use the power that they think they do to intimate you ---- sometimes, all it takes is for us to research, read the law and find out what they can do and they cannot ---


When they threatened me to take my cats away, I was not sure if they could or not and no one really knew for sure –so I read everything that I could read, state constitution, city charter, city ordinance, and find out if there is anywhere in the law that they can ---- and there was nothing in the law that states that they could in my situation – no animals are in danger and they are well taken care of … and they just cannot take away my animals based on the violation of the numbers that I had ---and I felt empowered to find out – but the authority will tell you that they can.. but legally they cannot –


There was a similar situation where they Immigration office in SF made a mistake on my residence status at the time of entry about 20 years ago,, in stead of them giving me a permanent green card, they gave me a conditional green card which would expire in two years --- and it’s sort of too complicated to explain, but after reading all the case law, and immigration law, I found out that I should have gotten the permanent status --- which wouldn’t have been a big deal if I did not get divorced, but I did .. so all of sudden, I was told that I need to leave the country – and I kept fighting with no lawyer.. but kept reading and believed that I was right –


I went to Immigration office in SF, and every person I spoke with at the window of Immigration office told me that I was wrong and need to be deported.. and finally got into the top of the immigration office at SF, and he acknowledged that I was wrong and every body was wrong and misunderstood the law – and finally a day before I was supposed to be deported, I finally got my permanent green card --- from the time one.. I decided not to give too much credit on government official about them knowing about what they are doing … and the same applied here sort of.. if you know what I mean.. so everyone, don’t underestimate your power and don’t let them intimidate you.. you don’t necessary have to do what they tell you to do…..


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 3:19 AM
Subject: Re: Great news about my court case


Hooray for Merry and Michelle too!  I Michelle don't try to downplay your help.  Just having your ideas as an attorney have helped Hideyo hang in there.  It sounds like finding Merry was a Godsend.  I hope all of this pans out.  It's sad (no offense intended to any attorneys or those in enforcement)......... but it IS sad how easily 'regular' people can be treated in these situations.  Most people are very rightly afraid of going to jail and afraid of the large attorney fees that add up so quickly.  It's certainly not one of America's 'best' systems, but then people in other countries have no 'system' at all.


It's easy to say I would fight if this happened to me.  But if it came to criminal charges that might land me in jail, or court/attorney costs that might cause me to lose my home anyway.  I don't know what I'd do.  I admire anyone who will stand up for what is right in these kinds of situations!!  Go Hideyo!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

HOORAY for Merry too!!  And of course let's not forget your part in all this.  Michelle, (don't argue with me), please take a bow.


Yes, Merry, Hideyo's attorney, called me yesterday to tell me what her hopes are for the case (I had referred Hideyo to her) and said she was so glad that I referred Hideyo to her because she had seen several people harrassed by animal control in Albuquerque into giving up their cats and she could not get those people to fight back because they were so intimidated by the criminal charges, etc. She was so glad to meet Hideyo and see someone willing to stand up to animal control, and to be able to help her get rid of the bad ordinance (still not final, but she seems very hopeful).  She is so impressed by how feisty, energetic, and smart Hideyo is, and so happy to be working with her.




In a message dated 1/7/2006 2:20:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You know, Hideyo mentioned about how other caring people have had to relinquish/find homes for their animals when faced with animal control regulations about numbers.  I've heard of abominable stories from other rescuers too.  I remember listening in horror as one very dedicated woman told me about having to pts several cats that were sick/old that no one else would take.  I don't care what I would have had to do, that would not have happened in my house!  Hideyo is such an inspiration to all of us.  It just goes to show you what can be accomplished, when you dig your heels in and just say NO!  She may be the groundbreaking force in changing the ordinances in her town and, who knows, maybe an example for other states to follow.  I don't want to jinx anything here, I know Hideyo's trials and tribulations are far from over, but isn't it just amazing what she's done so far?  I don't know what I'd have done in her place, I'd probably be posting from some underground hidden location, if I were her.  She instead has chosen to hold her ground and fight for herself, her furchildren, and all of us that pray for the day that animals are no longer treated as "property" and are finally given the respect and rights due to the loved ones they are.  HOORAY for Hideyo!!!



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