Hi Jen,
I am so sorry to hear that little Ewok isn't doing well...I would have to agree with Michelle on this one...My City Kitty that had lymphoma was on 40 mg. of pred a day for the rest of her life...She did have chemo for 6 months with great response...but it got to a point that we had to stop it because of her blood counts going too low..I can't remember exactly why...But we did continue the pred..20mg twice a day..I would for sure try the dex, too...It will perk them up more rapidly...and not to worry about the diabetes at this point..I have used winstrol, too...for appetite stimulant...
The essiac tea is very good...My Mom had lymphoma and she drank it every day...2 times...Shark cartliage shrinks tumors as well...We used the brand benefin....You could crush some up for Ewok, but I don't really know how long it takes to work..
I wish you the best of luck with him...
I would try the dex though..
Our prayers are with you,
Kerry and Bandy

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