I know.. Greg thinks it should come from a lawyer – one time she (Camille) hosed one of my neighbor’s dogs in a very cold winter because he barked a little bit (he was a small Scottish dog), anyway, my neighbor reported her to police for cruelty to animals and she backed down on her dogs.. she used to through sticks and rocks in my yard when I had dogs --- she hates dogs and that’s how this whole thing got started.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 1:13 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: RE: Another disaster


Hideyo, this is awful.   Could your lawyer not write the letter to her - it seems to me that a letter from him would carry more weight.  To the neighborhood guy, also.   This is harassment.

Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, everyone, someone (2 different reports) complaints about my cats again to the animal control today – and they are completely false report and I am so mad and sad and scared at the same time.   I am pretty sure that the person who made one of the complaints is the same person who did to create all this problem as it was still anonymous and she knew all the details which I doubt anyone else knows.. anyway,,, I think she had one of the really mean neighbors association of VP guy to also to call (because they were made on the same day, and how coincident is that?) --- anyway, the complaints are I have over 100 cats, and the smell of urine is so excessive – and they are both lie!   I asked the officer who came to investigate to tell me if he smells anything, he said not at all – he was going to give me another citation for the violation on the number, and I asked him to talk to Director of Animal services as my case in on pending right now .. and he dismissed these climes.  But I am soooooo scared that what this woman (Camille) is going to do to hurt me and hurt my cats – she does not even live in this area anymore.. but she is so obsessed to hurt me.  Making a false report is a felony and my criminal lawyer suggests that I write her a letter warning that I will file a law suit if she does not stop --- I also have to now deal with this mean neighborhood association guy as to why he made a false report (how in the heck he came up with the fact that I have over 100 cats – even if I did, there is no way that he can see them they are all indoor kitties --)


Everyone, please pray for me and my babies safety..


Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 12:53 PM
To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Kitty with sudden back leg problem


Sounds like Ataxia. Tidge had it towards the end of her FIV. There are different causes of it including tumor or disk problems. Sometimes with FIV the infection spreads to the CNS which can cause it but not sure if thisw is the same for FeLV.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


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