Couldn't her attorney write the letter and in it explain that Hideyo is willing to pursue this matter in Civil court? The threat of action wouldn't be coming from the attorney, but Hideyo. I'm guessing this pet hater wouldn't know the difference and if she knows that Hideyo is on to her, she'd back down. She obviously is a coward and/or doesn't really feel she has a case, or she wouldn't be complaining anonymously.


Hideyo, did you have problems with this woman when she lived near you? What do you think is motivating her to do this? Are you going to write her a letter? In some ways it would be better to have your lawyer write it, but she might not be able to do so due to ethics rules (for instance, lawyers are not allowed to threaten criminal action against someone in a civil suit). Michelle In a message dated 1/31/2006 3:07:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

    Hi, everyone, someone (2 different reports) complaints about my
    cats again to the animal control today – and they are completely
    false report and I am so mad and sad and scared at the same
    time.   I am pretty sure that the person who made one of the
    complaints is the same person who did to create all this problem
    as it was still anonymous and she knew all the details which I
    doubt anyone else knows.. anyway,,, I think she had one of the
    really mean neighbors association of VP guy to also to call
    (because they were made on the same day, and how coincident is
    that?) --- anyway, the complaints are I have over 100 cats, and
    the smell of urine is so excessive – and they are both lie!   I
    asked the officer who came to investigate to tell me if he smells
    anything, he said not at all – he was going to give me another
    citation for the violation on the number, and I asked him to talk
    to Director of Animal services as my case in on pending right now
    .. and he dismissed these climes.  But I am soooooo scared that
    what this woman (Camille) is going to do to hurt me and hurt my
    cats – she does not even live in this area anymore.. but she is so
    obsessed to hurt me.  Making a false report is a felony and my
    criminal lawyer suggests that I write her a letter warning that I
    will file a law suit if she does not stop --- I also have to now
    deal with this mean neighborhood association guy as to why he made
    a false report (how in the heck he came up with the fact that I
    have over 100 cats – even if I did, there is no way that he can
    see them they are all indoor kitties --)

    Everyone, please pray for me and my babies safety..

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