Hi Everyone,
My sister's (Connie), inside-only tuxedo cat went missing sometime last night. His name is Tux and he's short haired, and about 2yrs, with the sweetest little kitten face. They think he may have snuck out when a visitor left the screen door ajar, (the visitor left around 9pm). They didn't miss him until this morning because my nephew thought he was sleeping with my sister and my sister thought he was with my nephew. They are sick with worry. Not only has he never been outside before, but he's very skittish and they live in coyote territory. Being out at night is a death sentence for any small pets in their neighborhood. To make matters worse, he has short little legs and he can't even jump on a counter, let alone scale a wall. I've set a trap in her front yard and they've confined their other cat to the bedroom so they can leave the front door open. She's already put up fliers and tomorrow we'll be canvassing the neighborhood door to door with his picture and info. Please, please, please take a moment to send out positive thoughts to help him find his way home safely. This is doubly hard on Connie because her 17 year old dog just crossed about a month ago.

I called several professional ACs today, but no one has called me back yet. If anyone on the AC group can help contact him we'd be so appreciative. I can only imagine how scared he is and how disoriented. I've posted a couple of pictures under "Come home Tux", (I hope I did it right!).
Thank you so much,

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