Hi Karen,
Yes, the IO is the stuff that hasn't yet been approved by the FDA yet and is administered subq.  You have to get a special dispensation from the FDA and I ordered mine from the UK.  It is pricey.  When I was getting it for Grace and Jazz it was costing me about $700 bucks with exchange rate and shipping.  Below is the paste for help in getting the dispensation.  The last time I talked to my vet's office they were still getting calls from all over the country and they don't have any problem with helping.

> For anyone interested in starting the process of obtaining Feline
Interferon, (Virbagen Omega)...

My vet's liaison, Michelle Rose, at Veterinary Medical and Surgical
Group in Ventura CA (805-339-2290)has made an "FDA packet" that she will
fax out to anyone's vet who is interested in starting the special
dispensation process.  She says everything they need to know will be in
there, and of course they can call her if there are further questions.
Since only vets can apply, only they, or their offices should call.  If
she's not available, have your vet leave their voice and fax numbers on
her voice mail. If you have any trouble, email me directly and I'll call
her. >

Since I am getting the moon pie kitty and I have been out of felv for a few years I would also like some info on the new Omega interferon.
Can anyone explain the difference?
where can you get it and the cost?

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