He's probably getting Winstrol to stimulate his
kidneys into making rbc's.  It's great that he's
gained weight!  I don't think the interferon can hurt;
in retrospect, I would have given it to Cricket had I
known what I know about it now.  Glad he's a happy
kitty Cindy!


--- cindy reasoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just wanted to let everyone know that Smokey is
> still doing good.  He is still getting 2 injections
> per week of equistim.  He has gained some weight he
> is
> up to 6lbs.4oz. from 5lbs.8oz.  I am still giving
> him
> the Pet Tinic and he has been going to the vet every
> 2
> weeks to get a steroid injection.  I can't remember
> the name of it but it begins with a W.  He is eating
> great, he is playing, and he seems happy. I am
> keeping
> my fingers crossed.  We never tried the interferon
> again.  Since he is doing good now should I ask the
> vet about it?
> Cindy
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