Gloria, I'm so sorry about Tad. It's heartbreaking to hear such a story
about a little soul. Like you, we have to be consoled that he had a long and
happy life.
take care, Kerry M.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gloria Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 11:24 AM
Subject: Add Tad to the CLS

> Please add my friend's cat Tad (not FELV) to the Candlelight list.
> Tad was older - about 16, a pretty yellow-orange cat with a sweet
> disposition.  He was injured while being outdoors several weeks ago.
> My friend said he was going to keep Tad inside after that, but they
> didn't.  There was problems of Tad peeing on the carpet, so my
> friend's older mom and dad started letting Tad out after supper.  He
> was hit be a car on their busy street and killed.  I'm just really
> sad and angry about this since it could have been prevented.  I am
> comforted to know that at least Tad had a long happy life.
> Gloria

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