Dearest Belinda,
I'm so very sorry your sweet Bailey has gone on, we're all mourning his loss. You have always been there for each other and you will be still. He has transitioned to a place of joy where he can watch over you in peace and comfort, you will be transitioning too. It's something that we rarely think about when we're in the midst of our constant caregiving... the day when we turn over their care and nurturing to the source of our being... Please be gentle on yourself when you wake with him in your thoughts and for a brief instant your mind fills with all the rituals of caring for him that are no longer necessary. I'll be thinking of you when it's finally time to put away all the things that have aided in his care. It's so hard to do, you've held on so tight, for so long, now comes the time to transition to a different way to hold him, no longer in your arms, but always in your heart. You belong to each other for eternity, you always have, before you knew of his sweet presence you were there for each other waiting without knowing, now you wait in knowing. He lives on, I'm sure he'll let you know, I'm sure, when you're ready to receive it, he'll find his own special way to help you know just how close you still are to his sweet presence. I'm so grateful to my Angel Jazz for doing just that for me. It was the first, and so far, the last time that I've had any audible contact from the other side. One of our sweetest rituals has remained... I don't know if you remember me telling the group how very difficult it was for me to drink tea after Jazz passed. We shared these little moments of joy when she would read my mind and come out of nowhere when I was thinking of brewing myself a cup of tea. She'd trill in anticipation and look up expectantly as I took the tea bag from it's cover, knowing that soon our game of bat the balled up bag would begin. I found myself the other day absentmindedly balling up that little bag, it was a moment of bittersweet remembrance when I gazed smiling at it in my hand and knew my little girl was still with me. Look for those moments, and I hope very soon, you'll find yourself smiling, knowing the world is a better place for the gift of your darling Bailey and your love for him. Thank you sweet Bailey and thank you Belinda. My tears, prayers and thoughts are with you,

Belinda wrote:

Bailey left us at 6:20 this evening. He took a bad turn for the worse late last night and when I took him in this morning for his surgery it was evident he wasn't in good enough shape. We gave him fluids for a couple hours because he was dehydrated, his blood pressure was 60 and his temperature went from 103 yesterday to 98 today, his blood work was normal except his platelet count was low so he wasn't clotting and suregery was out of the question unless we could get his platelet count up. After two hours of fluids and a blood transfusion his platelets came up but his temperature was now 94, 96 puts kitties at risk for heart failure and she couldn't even get a blood pressure.

My vet said we have 3 options, we could continue the fluids and support and see if things changed and if they did he could have the surgery tomorrow. Go ahead with the surgery and get in and out as quickly as possible or she could euthanise him.

I asked her what she honestly thought of his condition, she said she though he was leaving on his own, I agreed. We talked, I asked her what to expect if he was going to die and she told me what the likely scenarios would be, she gave me a syringe of pain meds incase it got really bad for him, it would basically knock him out so he wouldn't suffer and pass on his own, she had a dinner engagement but told me to call if she was needed. I had told Bailey it was his decision to stay or go, and told him to do what was best for him. I brought him home on the fluids to keep supporting him and if he did turn for the better we would consider the surgery later. His breathing got worse just taking him to the car so I knew in my heart we didn't have long.

We had about an hour, he was home with us and we were with him when he left. He is whole now and FeLV free for the first time. We were so lucky to have him for 11 years, his birthday was Monday. I will miss his bouncy, happy personality. He was so special and I learned so much thanks to him. He was our only positive and the one that was responsible for my learning everything I have about FeLV+, he has helped me save many positives and for that I thank him. I miss my little Baidely boys so much already ... take care all. Give your special guys and extra special hug for Bailey.

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