Oh Tonya I am so sorry about sweet Popeye,you did so much for him and shame on that new principal,obviously not an animal lover.You take care of yourself and I want to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.Hugs to you,and I hope my Maizee enjoys her new friend over on the other side of the bridge.

catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This never made it to the list.  I wrote it Friday night I think.

From: catatonya
Date: 08/20/06 13:46:10
Subject: Popeye has gone to the bridge.
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.  It has just been a horrible weekend.  As a teacher we are not supposed to take a day off school the first week unless it's an 'extreme emergency'.  I followed protocol, called my assistant principal twice and got no return call.  Called my absence in and had an approved personal day form in my mailbox before I took Popeye into the vet on Friday morning.
We went back and forth on what to do and then decided to wait for the thyroid test to come in on Saturday morning.  Meanwhile they had me bring him home thinking it was less stressful for him here.  However, he could not breathe, so I called the vet back and was arranging to take him back in.  In the meantime at 3:00 (when our school day is over) I received a "corrected form" from my new principal stating that the absence was unexcused and I was being docked for the day.
Those of you who know my history know that this was enough to put me over the edge.  This is a brand new principal and I was just in shock.  Meanwhile the vet said that if they hyper-t came back as treatable Popeye was going to have to be hospitalized on oxygen for several days at least....... I told the vet that my principal had just docked me for the day and was obviously not going to work with me on getting him to the vet (who opens at 8:00, when I'm supposed to be at work at 7:15).   Plus my mobile vet was going out of town for the weekend, and if I waited until Saturday I would have had to take him in to have him euthanized.  I was so hysterical by that time that I just called Dr. Love, and she said she would come by and look at him.  She said he was not going to make it without oxygen and quite a few days of hospitalization if the test came back positive for hyper-t.  So I let him go.
I have just been in bed crying ever since.  I did call my principal and she said she would 'discuss it with human resources' on Monday.  It's a long story, and I wrote it all out because I plan to get my psychiatrist to write a letter excusing the day as a sick day for mental illness or filing a grievance.  I just cannot believe someone would be so cruel.  I have been with the system longer than this new principal and I have NEVER had a principal give me a problem when I had a sick animal.  If you want to see the letter and have any advice I will send it to you personally.
Michelle, I thought being an attorney you might have some advice?  I don't really know your area of expertise.  Anyway, I am a mess and don't know how I'm going to make it through work tomorrow.  It's like on top of the death I realize I have at least the rest of this year to work with someone who kicked me in the teeth on what was already a horrible day.  I don't see how I can face her.  How do you deal with people like that?
Popeye's passing was very peaceful.  Dr. Love gave him a sedative and found the vein right away.  He was basically unconscious when she administered the drug.  I wrapped him in a towel and slept with him that night and took him to my regular vet's to be picked up by the crematorium.  I believe Popeye would have been 14 in November.
The thyroid test did come back negative, and Dr. Pruitt called me Saturday morning and said I had made the right decision.  She believes he had thrown a blood clot (thrombosis???) in his lung.  If I had euthanized him and then found out it was treatable I guess I would have been in worse shape than I am now.  Please pray for me.

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If Popeye is hyper-T, the meds can reverse some of the
damage to the heart if the heart problems are related
to the hyper-T. You should use the transdermal gel
(rubbed into the ear) because of the difficulty in
giving Popeye meds. That's what Julie gets and she
doesn't even know she's getting meds.


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