I'm with you on this!
Totally agree!

In a message dated 8/31/2006 8:15:11 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

(climbing up onto big bargain size soapbox)
I think a harsh mental picture is what more people need to have. If more people cringed, we might live in a world that was more apt to protect animals. The fact that anyone on this list wasn't aware of any of those issues in itself speaks for the lack of animal abuse education in our society. Cringe away... have nightmares... cry... then go out and MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Lobby for harsher animal cruelty laws, lobby to have the states that require shelters give unadopted animals to research facilities change those laws (the term is called "pound seizure, I believe), Lobby to end animal experimentation or to at least stop allowing class B dealers (also known as "bunchers"). Picket, get out and hold a sign. We live in a wonderful democracy (those of us here in the USA) but it doesn't work if you don't use it, so WRITE your representatives and urge them to sponsor bills to tighten animal cruelty laws and change the ones that effect animals in a bad way. Visit your local high school, and colleges, and see if they dissect cats or use animals in any of their labs, and if they do, urge them to stop, picket them, hand out flyers to all the students about all of the alternatives available these days. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Just make a difference. Until now, some of you may have been unaware, NOW, you are not. Before, you didn't know, so things happened around you without your knowledge, NOW you know, and you have the power to try to effect changes. That's what activism is, you see a wrong, and you set out to make it right. It's that simple. Now you just simply have to start caring enough to take action. I'm not saying you don't care when I say that, I'm saying, from my own experience, it takes a LOT of willpower to take the time out of your busy life to actually DO anything to make the world a better place. No, it doesn't just happen, and no, others wont do it for you. So when I say you have to care ENOUGH to take action, I mean that you have to PUSH yourself to DO what needs to be done, because it's really easy to take a neutral stance in life, and let everyone else run the show, but it takes time, energy, and determination to go out and do it for yourself. WE, you and I, are the voice and protectors of the animals we rule over in our society, to give them voices, we have to put aside our own, and make room for their message in our lives, then, we have to go out and spread the message, because what good is a message that no one hears?
Every tear I shed, though they may be many, is far outnumbered by the numbers of animals that suffer in our world, and my tears, though they may fall, will never make a difference in anyone's life but my own, and that just isn't enough. If only I could collect a dollar for every tear I cry, and give it to the cause that made them fall, then, perhaps, my sadness would be justified in itself. Actions speak louder than tears.
(off my soapbox now)



Terrie Mohr-Forker






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