My first instinct was to say, first own cat, then after a while, Kitty.
BUT.  Then I thought of my own move, when Gail and I combined our respective
households -- me with Missy, Luc, and at that time Phoebe, and her with
Tribble and at that time Kitty.  We hadn't introduced them all to each
other, even though we lived a hallway away in our apartment building.  It
just didn't seem like a good idea.  When we moved, we weren't too worried
about the females, who were all sort of loners and wouldn't have territorial
issues.  We were worried about our two big Alphas, especially because
Tribble especially is so confrontational.  But when we let them out of the
carriers and they saw each other, it was literally like:
(nose touch) "Dude!" 
(ass sniff) "Dude!" 
No territorial stuff at all.  (It probably helped, in the long run, that
this house has 11 rooms and they wouldn't have to see each other at all if
they didn't want to, but they didn't know that then.)  So I'm wondering if,
since there will be big changes for both cats anyway, it would be fine to
introduce them to the new place at the same time, and maybe there wouldn't
be territory wars.  I don't know.  Might be completely dependent on the
cats' personalities, whether the original cat NEEDS to be Alpha?
Diane R.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 3:51 PM
Subject: o/t established cat and new cat

Hi guys
I'm sorry I've not been on the list recently. (Trying to prepare to go to UK
again while working on an adopter for one of my fosters.)
As always, all sick kitties are in my thoughts, and my heart goes out to
those that have lost beloved furbabies.
I wonder if I could ask you knowledgeable folks a Q? 
The potential adopter of my foster, Kitty, took her own cat to her parents
place while she moved house. She says she now wants to establish her cat in
her new home before she takes Kitty. Surely it wd be better if she used this
ideal opportunity to move them together into the new place? Any opinions
much appreciated before I get back to her on this.....I believe she plans to
remove her cat tomorrow from her parents. 
Thanks as always
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