Thank you so much for saying that.
It hasn't been the same since losing them.
I miss both Sam and Ling. Sam was only 2 yrs old and Ling was 16 yrs old.
Both Tazzy and Vinnie are still with me. They are spoiled but in a good way.
I do have other Siamese but couldn't get them to stay on the couch.
I want to add that I rescued a 17 and a half yr old Sealpoint male.
The family was moving....grrrr
They had this guy since he was a kitten. This really irks me something fierce. This is one of the reasons why I don't like people in general.
I knew darn well nobody would adopt him because of his age.
So I took him home and he will live his time out with me.
He has became my granddaughter's kitty. He sleeps with her every night on her pillow.
In a message dated 10/5/2006 8:05:54 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
OH your babies are beautiful! I am sending the link to my mom sis and cuz! crackers voted for your sweet babies!!! Good Luck
hugs and kisses
Kayte and Crackers

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