Not to worry my kitties are staying right here with me. They will be treated as they always have been with care and love. Live their time out with me.
If Dukee does have FIP this will be my first time dealing with this.
I knew sooner or later this would happen I have been very fortunate and lucky.
Believe me I understand what your all saying.
I will do what I can for him and the others.
In a message dated 10/23/2006 8:44:55 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Absolutely and I wish vets wouldn't say anything even suggesting it can be transmitted, people are more afraid of this virus than any other and many cats testing positive for the cornea virus associated with it are not FIP and are killed anyway.

Many diseases mimic FIP symptoms but once a vet mentions a cat has FIP nothing further is done and that cat will most likely die from something else that was treatable,THAT is a real crime as far as I'm concerned!!

If this is FIP, you absolutely should not assume your others have or will get it. That is not how it works.

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