Hi Hideyo and everyone,
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I've been trying to gather more information up about this and working to make a little money.
I spent an hour with a couple of Vet Techs at the Vets office today. They in fact called the lab (Phoenix Central Laboratory) up to get more information on the testing. They ask what his level was they said it might not be FIP then it could be. There was no clear answer on this. So the Vet Techs got out some new Vet books that have been published in the last year they are going to put some literature together to give me.
Dukee continues to eat and drink water. He is using the litter box.
He hasn't thrown up only the one time I saw it. He is still purring. He isn't playing not even acknowledging catnip in which is his favorite.
I did find out what tests were ran on the blood they took. This is the results but it's not what I wanted to see. I had thought he had  a total blood work up. I'm not taking him back outside and stressed him out more.
Test Name: Feline Viral II
Test performed by Elisa
*There is no antibody test to date that differentiates between infected and vaccinated cats.
*Vaccinated cats will have positive antibody responses indistinguishable from that of infected cats for at least 1 year post vaccination.
TITER IS 1:6400 or greater
Positive titers are not diagnostic for FIP.
Although FIP titers greater than or equal to 1:6400 are more often associated with clinical FIP, titers less than 1:6400 and negative titers do not rule it out.
(Negative < 1:100)
Please do send me some!
I have never used this before so I'm blinded by this. I'm not ready to lose Dukee.
Vinnie is doing better. Which I'm glad to say your prayers are helping.
I will agree with you all on this so-called diagnosis of FIP.
Which I don't think he has. He doesn't show any of the classic signs of it.
What do you need as for payment for this Infereron? Where can I order some? Can I purchase from you? How do I give it to him? Is this by mouth or by IV?
Sorry for all the questions.
Pardon the _expression_ I'm just scared sh*tless over this.
I've never had anything like this happen in all the years (30) in rescue.
My address is:
Terrie Mohr-forker
14418 Kellogg Lake Road
Sultan, WA. 98294
(425) 344-6933 Cell best way to contact me.
(360-793-8960 Fax
(360) 793-8969 Home (When I'm online it's busy  or no answer...sorry no DSL here because I'm in the boonies)
        so it's dial up.
In a message dated 10/23/2006 11:18:20 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Get him on feline interferon right away --- FIP is no longer fatal necessary anymore – do you need me to ship one vial to you?



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