They arrive half hour ago. 1:05 pm my time
Pardon me for asking do I use this as if I'm giving vaccinations?
If so where do I inject this?
I know when I was giving my husband his injections it was wherever he wanted it. Unfortunately the Interferon Treatment didn't work for him for his Hep C. it caused massive side effects as I mentioned to you.
I'm not doing anything until I hear from you by email.
Sorry my cell phone is charging don't have enough charge in it to call you directly and I'm using home phone for business as I indicated I have
dial-up. It's easier for me to retrieve the emails when I'm on.
You may email me off the list if you like.
"Thank you so much are a "Godsend"!!!!!
In a message dated 10/25/2006 11:51:23 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Terri, I overnighted 2 vial of interferon to you – they should arrived this morning – did you get it?

I also put a couple of syringes with needles so that you have everything you need – let me know if you have given it to him – sometimes, it causes hyperthermia --- so be prepared..



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