Thank you for your caring thoughts!
I take everything seriously when a kitty is ill even if I don't know what I'm doing sometimes. I have been known to be a strong person and hold my own. This time I couldn't do it. It must be my age as I grow older getting softer. Normally, I'm hard as nails.
Yes, Dukee was a very brave and loving soul. He will be missed greatly by his furfamily and us.
He did fight to live but guess it was too overwhelming for him.
We buried him next to his buddy Sam. Said prayers and put a copy of the Rainbow Bridge with him as I have done with all of my pet losses in the past. So everyone has their poem with them.
I have candles going on right now that are scented Baby Powder.
Which was his favorite to smell believe it or not.
In a message dated 10/30/2006 10:41:22 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I just got online and read what has been happening the past two days.  I am so very saddened for you and your family.  A brave and loving soul was Dukee; he fought so hard to live. 
I will be home tonight around 9:45 PST, if you are online and want to email on the list or privately.

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