    What a beautiful story you wrote about your furangels.
I'm so sorry to read about Dharma. I'm glad she was with you when she left to join her siblings at the bridge. She loved you to hang out so long...bless her sweet soul.
Geez, just when my eyes were starting to get better from crying so much on Dukee once again I broke down while reading this one.
Damn Felv/Fiv/FIP
Good god all these recent losses is unreal.
Be gentle to yourself as I have been told by others. We did what we could to try and make our furbabies better it just wasn't enough. God decided he needed them for now and that they would be with us again someday.
Your in my prayers and thoughts!
In a message dated 11/1/2006 11:28:39 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi, my name is Dharma – I am a little calico kitty with three paws and here is my story …


Once upon a time, there is a family – Naomi, Dharma (me), and Simba and our mama – we were only about 6-7 weeks old then, our mama kept us safe in a tiny hole under the crawl space of an abandoned house.. one day, the human decided to close down the crawl space so that they can renovate the house – our mama kitty and we did not know what was going to happen to the hole--- so we hided and underneath of a tiny hole and we did not make any noise so no one could find us.. while our mama was out getting our food, a human friend, Hideyo came to catch us --- we tried so hard not to be caught as we were so afraid of being away from our mommy – it took a several hours, but at the end, each of us was scooped by a little net to catch a little fish…our mama saw us being taken away and she looked so worried.. and a friend Hideyo promised our mama that she was gong to so good care of us.. mama looked so sad and worried – and we were so sad to be away from our mama.. we cried and cried..


We went to our friend Hideyo’s house, and she told us that she was going to take care of us like our mama to protect us --- it took for a while.. but we made some friends, and we played  and ate and slept a lot…. and then, my little sister Naomi started feeling not too good, I knew something was wrong and  I wanted to take care of her so I groomed her all the time for her, our new mama, Hideyo was very worried and took her to the doctor.. but Naomi did not get better, and she decided that she wanted to leave the body as her body was not letting her to do things that she wanted to do.. and she wanted to be free so that she can play again..I was very mad at her leaving me.. but I knew that we would see each other again… Our new mama was so sad to see Naomi go…she cried and cried.. but I knew that naomi’s sould was still with us at home.. but our mama Hideyo couldn’t see… After my sister Naomi became an angel, she got lonely…and she asked if I could come to where she was at… and I said.. okay my little sister,,, I will come stay with you.. just give me three months as I wanted to have enough time to say good bye to my brother simba and our new mama hideyo….


Today was exactly three months after Naomi became an angel.. I decided to join my sister so that we can play together.. I told simba not to be lonely..we are just one meow away from each other.. if he misses us,,, all he has to do is to meow and we will come play with simba.. but simba now has a lot of friends and I know that he won’t be too lonely…. I needed to be sick like Naomi was so that I could go to a kitty heaven where my sister was.. that was hard for our mama,, she cried and cried.. and wanted to make me feel better and wanted me to stay. And she gave me all sort of medicines,, but I hated them..but I tried to hold on as long as I could.. but my body got very tired.. I couldn’t breath well.. and couldn’t walk well and my mama finally old me it’s okay if I wanted to go.. because Naomi is lonely out there… so tonight.. I said good bye to all my friends here at my house and joining my baby sister Naomi….



Everyone – thank your so much for all of your prayers and support.. I and Dharma are so grateful.. Dharma was and is such a strong little soul.. she ate the food on her own even an hour before she passed.. and she probably did it for me.. to make me feel better.. I wish I could stay with her longer.. I really did not expect her to go so soon.. today is November 1st.. she crossed the bridge at 10:44 pm… exactly 3 months ago on 8/1, and exactly around the same time, Naomi passed away in my arm, too… and seven days later,,, my little peter was also such a beautiful boy..


I cried so hard,, and I was so mad about what happened and did not know what to do.. have a big hole in my heart…and it’s going to be empty for a long long time.. there are lots of things I wish.. but all I know for sure is that my Dharma has become free just like my Tsubomi, Peter, Naomi, Hannibal, Wami, Garfunkle, George, and Henry have ---I have to tell you, Naomi and Dharma have a such a strong soul.. I never met a kitty who was so determined and so strong.. it’s been such a pleasure to have met her and be able to take care of her..



Love to my dharma and all of my little angels,  miss you so so terribly..


Your mama, Hideyo


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