I cannot imagine a vet can be so callous, or frankly, so sick. At the very bottom of the AVMA's home page, there is a "contact us" link. You might register your conversation with this vet by name. If there have been previous complaints about his conduct or care, they could take action.

That is a very disturbing comment coming from someone who has taken the AVMA oath.

On Jun 19, 2007, at 3:33 PM, Melissa Lind wrote:

I was planning on doing the trap/alter/release program this summer with some help from the vet—but the good one left. Sadly, this morning as I was getting some meds from the regular vet, and he told me how much he hates his daughter’s cats and how he threatened to kill them! He said the girls are wondering how come the cats are still around since they thought daddy was going to kill them. It just gets worse and worse around here! You can’t even turn to the vet! Argh!
I’m going to ask around this larger community where I work (Norfolk, NE), and see if there is such a program. I’m also going to start going to a different vet I think.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marylyn
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: frustrated
I don't know if you have a trap/alter/release organization in your area or not but, if you do, they might help.  My bet is the husband would support this if he is trying to help the little one.
                                                 If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures                                                  from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who                                                  will deal likewise with their fellow man.                                                                   St. Francis
----- Original Message -----
From: Melissa Lind
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 1:18 PM
Subject: RE: frustrated
Debbie,  I am continually shocked by people’s insensitivity and down-right barbarism. I can’t believe that about the raccoons! What a sweet story with such a horrific ending!
As for my situation, I brought up the fact that there would be help for this kitty if they wanted me to take it off their hands. I told her that I had mentioned the situation to a group, and they were more then willing to help (I thought this would also sound less like I am the one intruding).
But, as luck would have it, her husband is a cat-lover (of sorts). He talks to them and is telling another mama kitty to adopt this poor guy. It sounds as though he has a big heart. I’m glad he talks to the kitties all the time—they need someone like that. I’m going to bring them some kitten milk and food that I have at home—I’m actually going to buy some more and tell her that it was just extra of mine that I didn’t need anymore.
It’s sad that because they live on a farm and don’t spay/neuter, that this will happen continually. I will still ask about baby kitty, and I’ve told her that if her husband wants to part with the little guy (or girl), that I’d surely help. How can I not?

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Debbie
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 11:23 AM
Subject: RE: frustrated
So glad things are better. I was in this position years ago. My husband and I ended up hand raising 7 kittens from a co worker. If it is one kitten the lady may get attached to it. Although most people who have "farm cats" look at them as "just there and nothing special." I know because I work with all farmers! They make fun of me all the time because of our cats and dogs. They don't know what they are missing.The one lady's in laws here had a cat that had given birth lately. Her in laws had killed a female raccoon earlier in the week. Somehow the mother cat had found the raccoon's babies and when the people went to look at the kittens they found the baby raccoons with them, nursing the mother cat. Instead of being awed at nature and seeing the beauty in the situation - the farmers being farmers shot the baby raccoons! i have come to find that farmers can very cruel to animals. The other guy here in the office, a few months ago, bragged about how he shot his own dog - just because it wouldn't stay home. Another guy in the warehouse asked me what the dog pound charged to put a dog to sleep. Seems his dog, that was close to 12 years old, was having problems getting on and off the couch. His wife is expecting and had informed him he needed to get the dog "put down" before the arrival of the baby. he didn't want to pay the vet to do it so he wanted to take it to the dog pound because it is cheaper! Wonder if someday he would do this to his child or parents when they get to be an inconvenience?

-----Original Message-----
 From: Melissa Lind
Sent: Jun 19, 2007 10:07 AM
 Subject: RE: frustrated

Wow! Thank you all for the support! I’m back at work now—late because I had to go to the vet for some medicine for my babies—and the lady told me right away about her little kitty who is lapping up milk by himself. She was very excited. I’m very relieved because I worried all night about the little one. I live in Nebraska—far away from everyone on this list I think! But, I’ll let her know later today that there are people who would be willing to help her take care of the “nuisance.” She seems less stressed today, but it still breaks my heart to think of poor mama kitty and the baby having to go through that.
I’m more than willing to transport as far as my paycheck will allow if anyone is interested in this baby (or any of my other foster cats, he he!)
Since I’m at work, I’ll stealthily keep you posted today. Thanks again—I love being able to reach out to people who understand and who aren’t monsters!

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marylyn
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: frustrated
My nephew got me a bumper sticker for Christmas "The more people I meet the more I like my cat."
If the situation is still on-going tomorrow you could offer, ever so sweetly, to relieve the "lady" of her problem, explaining how you know it is a burden, etc.   
                                                 If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures                                                  from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who                                                  will deal likewise with their fellow man.                                                                   St. Francis
----- Original Message -----
From: Melissa Lind
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 4:42 PM
Subject: OT: frustrated
I know this is off topic, but I just had to jot this down at work since it’s consuming my thoughts. A lady that I work with has farm cats. Sadly, mama kitty and baby climbed into the car trunk when open, and they didn’t see them when they closed it. It’s been really hot and the two spent an entire day in the trunk. Mama kitty didn’t make it, but amazingly the baby did. But now my co-worker (more annoyed by the smell than anything) isn’t sure what to do with the baby. She tried to feed it, I think, but she doesn’t know about kitty milk or anything like that. And she actually sounds as if she’d rather just let it die. How horrifying. I’ve been close to tears all day after she told me so “regularly” as if it were nothing more than a nuisance.
I really want to go take this baby and help it, but 1) I’m new here—it’s overstepping some boundaries, 2) the baby might not have made it through today anyway without food, and 3) I have 3 of my own cats, 2 fosters, and a husband who loves cats but is getting a little frustrated that I haven’t found homes for the foster cats yet. I know what the right thing to do is, but I’m conflicted. More than anything I’m angry at this lady (or saddened) by her lack of enthusiasm to help the poor baby. I can’t stop thinking about this little kitty.
Right now I’m generally disgusted with people.

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