I'm on a local animal rights list and many of these people do not support HSUS 
because of some of the listed items........
  I'm not against what they do.......... but I think they have tons of money 
that is not necessarily put to the best use.

MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  On 7/25/07, Kat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Terrie,

It looks like most of your statements have come from the anti-animal
welfare people (most notably CCF - Center for Consumer Freedom) which do
their best to twist everything related to stopping animal abuse.  They are 
the hunters, the factory farmers, the puppy mill operators and others who
would abuse animals just to make a buck.  The quote below is a response
received from the HSUS.

Kat (Mew Jersey)

"HSUS Response 

Like every major social movement organization, The Humane Society of the
United States is a frequent target of uninformed criticism, often driven
by groups or individuals hostile to animal protection. Our high-profile 
response to the Michael Vick indictment offers these political opponents
an opportunity to spread their misleading or inaccurate information. Here
are the facts.

After the seizure of more than 60 dogs following the raid on Vicks 
property by local Virginia law enforcement officers, The HSUS initially
provided several thousand dollars in financial assistance to Surry County
for the animals treatment and care. We sought funds to help defray the 
anticipated costs of sheltering 52 pit bulls among these dogs for an
indefinite interval. After a federal grand jury indicted Vick and three
others, the costs of caring for them became a federal responsibility.
Weve offered to provide continuing assistance, but the federal government
has decided to shoulder the burden on its own from this point forward.

All donations made to our appeals related to this case will be used 
exclusively for our campaign against dogfighting and cruelty For ten
years, The HSUS has spearheaded national efforts to end this heinous
activity. During this time, our investigators have worked with local law
enforcement officials in some 100 major organized dogfight ring cases,
providing expertise and assistance, testifying in trials, and caring for
thousands of dogs maimed in the fighting pits. We have also helped to
shepherd to passage nearly all of the current state and federal laws
related to animal fighting. The HSUS has been the undisputed national
leader in battling dogfighting and other forms of organized animal combat.

In May, our decade-long drive for a nationwide law to crack down on animal
fighting culminated in the U.S. Congress passing legislation -- now signed
into law by President Bush -- that makes dogfighting and cockfighting a 
federal felony. And we have methodically gone state-to-state during the
last three decades to see 48 states establish felony-level penalties for
organized dogfighting offenses. Vick is being charged under laws that The 
HSUS helped to pass.

For more than 50 years, The HSUS has been the nation's most effective
advocate for the humane treatment of animals. In addition to operating our
own network of sanctuaries and treatment centers that housed more than 
3,500 animals in 2006, we provide funding, training, and technical
expertise to hundreds of the nations local animal shelters and other
animal care centers.

Last year, 24,539 animals were treated and cared for in our various 
programs. In addition, we worked with more than 1,000 volunteer
veterinarians, veterinary students and technicians, providing some $1.1
million worth of free medical services to animals in disadvantaged areas
of the U.S. and in the developing world, through our Rural Area Veterinary
Services program.

In state capitals and on Capitol Hill, we work to enact new laws to end
animal abuse in blood sports, factory farming, puppy mills, horse 
slaughter for foreign horsemeat markets, the fur trade, cruel and
unnecessary laboratory research, Canadas annual killing of hundreds of
thousands of baby seals, and many other forms of inhumane treatment of

Check out our activities online at www.humanesociety.org. We are proud of
our record and we thank the ten million Americans one in every 30 who have
lent us their support and who stand with us." 


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