Eukanuba's spokesperson on dog fighting..........
Subject: [ar-ga] Eukanuba's spokeperson - Dog Fighting - 'Fabric of America'

          Vick had a "bad error in judgement" If you aren't already boycotting 
Eukanuba for experimenting on dogs, then this should help you make a decision.
  Once 'fabric of America'  J.T. Thomas — representing the event's sponsor, pet 
food maker Eukanuba — offered a tempered viewpoint. It's because of Vick's own 
background — suggested Thomas, a younger brother of the 1960s-era Oilers 
cornerback W.K. Hicks — that people should attempt to understand how the former 
Virginia Tech star could have become involved. 
  "Once upon a time dogfighting, just like cockfighting, used to be a part of 
the fabric of America," said Thomas, of Pasadena. "Just like with a lot of 
other things, loopholes have been closed. It sometimes takes people awhile to 
understand what you used to do and what you can do now aren't always one in the 
same. Sometimes you have to learn this the hard way, and that's happening with 
him. This was not murder. This was not a capital crime. This was, possibly, a 
bad error in judgment. We can make a federal case out of it if we want to, but 
whatever happened, we have to let justice take its course. (Vick's) argument is 
that he was not knowledgeable about what was going on.
  "I myself am a man of color. But, if a man is wrong, he's wrong. I'm not 
going to jump on his bandwagon because he's Michael Vick. It's unfortunate 
people in America tend to worship success and don't always realize that just 
because someone is successful financially they may not be successful morally, 
socially or spiritually."  
  Info on Eukanuba Boycott:

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men [and women] to 
do nothing" --Edmund Burke (1729-1797) 


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