Hi Jackie,
My name is Wendy and I have been a member here for about 3 years.  I joined 
after my 4 year old cat was diagnosed with FeLV and got sick.  My other three 
(all 4 indoor) had already been exposed as they'd lived together since Cricket 
was a kitten.  All 3 had been previously vaccinated for FeLV, but the 
vaccinations were not current when Cricket came into the picture.  Cricket died 
from anemia shortly after I joined, which I think that we could have reversed 
had I known what I know now about the disease.  None of my others ever 
contracted FeLV.  I do believe that it's difficult for adult cats, even elderly 
cats (we lost our 18.5 year old in Dec. to kidney issues and she'd been around 
Cricket all that time), to contract it from general contact or sharing 
food/water/litter boxes.  I think kittens are much more susceptible.  I do 
believe in mixing pos with vaccinations/neg adults if needed, but that is only 
my opinion based on what I've learned
 here and personal experience, not based on scientific evidence.  The 
veterinary world is much more cautious because not enough is known about the 

 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret Meade 

----- Original Message ----
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 5:33:55 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] worried Mom seeking info

Hi, my name is Jackie and I am seeking advice. A year ago I started trapping 
and altering strays. The first male I caught settled down quite a bit. I 
started letting him in now and then and eventually I started keeping him in. I 
have 4 other cats (all strictly indoor). I felt for this guy, he was a rough 
and tumble wild guy, but he was so sweet after he was fixed. He recently tested 
positive for leukemia and I have never had to deal with this kind of disease 
before. I talked to the doctor some and she recommended we retest him in 6 
weeks, but I'm worried I'm endangering my other cats by having him inside. They 
are vaccinated, but he is so dominating. I used to let him out on occasion to 
let off a little steam. Now I can't do that and he got into a scuffle with one 
of my other cats this weekend. I don't want to euthanize him, but I don't know 
what else to do. I would appreciate your opinions on my situation. 

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