Squeaky used to react to the vaccine each time. He would be lethargic for 3
One day my vet tested him and found he was positive. Both he and Stripes
tested positive that day. The vet determined Squeaky was a "carrier" and
carried the disease in his bone marrow. He was never sick until his final 3
weeks. He lived to age 22. I adopted the boys in 1983.The boys were tested
in 1985...years before I knew much about all of this. Stripes died in 1989.
He was 16. 

Coco has reacted to her last 2 rabies vaccinations. I will never vaccinate
her for rabies again.


-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Lynne
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 9:08 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] vaccine

She got her rabies vaccine at the same time so I guess I can't determine 
which is causing the problem.  The vet checked her over and decided she was 
fine today, although he couldn't find the site of the injections as he 
wasn't the one who gave them to her and being a persian it's difficult to 
see anything through all that hair.  I just hope this resolves.  I'm 
reluctant now to have our newest girl immunized.  Both are indoor cats but 
having lost our baby Boo last March to feline leukemia and FIV I was afraid 
to not have them vaccinated.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kelley Saveika" <moonv...@gmail.com>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] vaccine

>I have never had problems with the FELV vaccine but we did have a cat
> contract Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia as the result of either a rabies or
> distemper shot (he got both at the same time).
> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 8:56 PM, Lynne <menar...@cogeco.ca> wrote:
>> Hi, I'm just curious if any of you had any problems with the feline
>> leukemia vaccine.  We had to take our Snowball to the vet on Sunday and
>> decided to have her vaccinated.  My husband took her back today because 
>> she
>> has been lethargic and out of character for three days.  The vet said it
>> could be the vaccine and for whatever reason gave her a shot of 
>> prednisone.
>> Lynne
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