at the rate that accurate information about the virus has spread to the
veterinary community, and from there down to shelters and rescues, it'd be
YEARS before news of a cure would ever reach them.

it's incredibly discouraging. i don't know if petsmart left in the comments
from the attendees at the webinar earlier this year re: FIV and FeLVs in
shelter and rescues, but it was incredibly depressing to me, to hear folks
NOT listening to what the vet had to say, nor to the few of us who were
actually acquainted with the literature. (in fact, i spoke with a rescuer
who attended another of their webinars more recently, and she said that that
vet was advocating vaccinating all cats against FIV.....)

yes, it's money and business, but more than that, it's laziness--"i've got
my degree, and since these two virii are very easily treated with the
night-night needle, i don't need to ever read another word about them."

theoretically, it's malpractice for vets NOT to be up-to-date on current
best practice--but even the reports i hear on the vets who seem not to even
have HEARD about new vaccination protocols, no less implemented them,
well.... (yearly vaccines, now AGAINST medical advice, a sure-fire

never mind, i get more than a LITTLE upset.


On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Maria Ianiro <> wrote:

> It makes me a little upset that research for Felv+ cats has been so
> wishy washy. I realize it probably all comes down to money and
> business, but I was also thinking, this disease is sadly a way for
> shelters to try to control over population of cats. I think its pretty
> automatic to put felv+ cats to sleep at shelters. I wonder what the
> shelters would do if there was a cure for this disease.....
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