thanks for posting this, sue, because the issue of folks unable to take care
of their critters right now, elderly or not, is becoming huge.

folks, check with your local shelters to see if any of them run a pet-food
bank--a lot actually do. there are ani-meals programs in a number of places,
that deliver food for animals to homes where the humans can't afford to get
the food, or can't get to the store to pick it up. in some places, there are
programs that are funded by the United Way--they just don't get much

social-service agencies SHOULD know about clients who have companion animals
in need, and SHOULD be working with animal-welfare groups to help, but it
doesn't happen when case loads aren't overwhelming the system, so i'm sure
it's not now.

sometimes all it takes is stopping long enough to look around: if you have
an elderly or disabled neighbor that you know has critters, or is feeding
ferals, ask them what kind of food they use because you're into coupons, and
you'll keep an eye out (that's not charity, you see....)--etc etc etc.


On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 8:20 AM, Sue & Frank Koren <>wrote:

> I belong to a cat forum on-line.  One of the members who is a well
> respected TNR person posted this the other day and I have not been able to
> stop thinking of this poor lady:
> "There is a town south of tucson. Very poor and colorful characters live
> there. Its a dumping ground for people who abandon their companion cats and
> dogs. There is a woman who has worked with us to S/N the abandoned cats in
> her yard. She is devoted to these cats and feeds them and watches out for
> them.
> Last year her husband developed pancreatic cancer and died. We found out
> yesterday she is going to loose her house and has been using her food stamps
> to buy cat food for her companion indoor cats. her beloved dog is having
> serious health problems and she doesnt have money to take him to a vet.
> These animals have helped her get thru her hard times.
> Our group has been supplying her with food for the ferals but didnt know
> she didnt have money for her indoor animals. We are going to try to raise
> money to help her dog go to the vet and help her with food for her indoor
> cats."
> When I PM'd her asking how to help this poor woman this was her response:
> "I work with Paws Patrol of Green Valley. We have a website with pay pal if
> that would be convenient to donate there.
> Be sure and mention it is for Arlene.
> It made me sad all day thinking how awful it must be to face those things
> alone in your elderly years. I’m sure none of us picture our lives happening
> like that. Plus a lot of the older female generation are not self-sufficient
> women like we are today. I know my mom is always wanting a man to do chores
> and figure things out for her. (she is 84) when her daughters are perfectly
> capable of doing alot of the stuff!
> Its just plain wrong when the elderly fall on hard times like this with no
> recourse. Medical bills bankrupt so many families. Please keep this woman in
> your prayers and thoughts. We are going to have to try to move her colony of
> cats because once she is gone they dont have a prayer to be looked after in
> this community. Her name is Arlene."
> I am posting Arlenes story here with permission from the woman who posted
> it in our cat forum.
> Thanks,
> Sue
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