i am sorry to hear about Juno, it is so hard to loose one you have grown to 
love.  it only takes a day or two to loose your heart to them.  however long 
she had with you, her life was better for having you.  dorlis
---- Sue & Frank Koren <fs...@roadrunner.com> wrote: 
> Sherry, I am so sorry to hear about your Juno. Gentle Bridge vibes to her. 
> You do so much for these kittys, I know they appreciate you. 
I just adopted a little 3 year old girl, also named Juno, two weeks ago. 
Perhaps a little part of your Junos spirit will live on in my little Juno.
---- Sherry DeHaan <sherryd...@yahoo.com> wrote: 
> What can I say about our Juno? Well she came to Sids sanctuary along with her 
> two boys Jupiter and Pluto the fall of 2005 just before I started 
> volunteering there.I never had the pleasure of meeting Jupiter but I adored 
> our Juno (Juny butts).And  just love my Pluto( Pooty Poots)he is one of my 
> many boyfriends there. :) Juno will be greatly missed.I will always look at 
> her favorite spot and think of  her .
> Sherry
> "We who choose to surround ourselves with lives more temporary
> than our own,
> Live within a fragile circle,easily and often breached.
> Unable to accept its awful gaps.
> We still would have it no other way"
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