Thanks Hiromi----and I'm so glad to hear Puma is doing so well!
Long may Puma have good health.
I'll fwd your email to Lea.
On 22/04/2009, at 6:03 PM, Hiromi Page wrote:

I brought my cat (Puma) to a new vet for his bladder infection in Jan 2009.

I was then told that

1. Puma is FeLV+

2. Puma has severe anemia

3. Puma's kidney/Liver are failing (The vet said that based on Puma's blood test results)

I put Puma on the LTCI treatment, and he finished 6th shots so far.

The vet did another blood test 2weeks after his 6th shots, and the vet told me that

1. Puma is FeLV- this time (it's ELISA, so we will test him again)

2. Puma doesn't have anemia any more

3. All the values for the blood test came back as normal

I don't quite believe that this treatment cures stance is that if it works, great! if not, it's OK.

But I'm very happy that it helped Puma's anemia - he is not suffering from it any more!

I'm planning on 3 more monthly shots for Puma as maintenance/follow- up (?).

Hope this helps.


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