
Angelica's litter mate Chuckie died from confirmed FIP on
November 11 with exactly the same symptoms and Angelica
became symptomatic just about 10 days after Chuckie
manifested with the disease.  They were hospitalized
together but Chuckie's disease was too advanced by the time
we were able to administer the ascorbate due to lost time at
vets and because of chronic antibiotic and steroid use for
what was earlier diagnosed as FUO.  His confirming final
blood work returned on the day before he died with rising
coronavirus titers and his PCR was positive for dry FIP.  

We did not see the need to perform the blood work on
Angelica because she was showing identical symptoms to
Chuckie with sustained high fevers, lethargy, inappetence,
weight loss, and mild neurological involvement, though the
biggest reason was that she was so early in the disease
process that it would likely not have shown up anyway, as it
took until the day before Chuckie died for his PCR to show
the FIP.  We had done blood work on him three times before
that with negative corona virus titers and mostly normal
results except for positive Dohle bodies and mild anemia.  

Rather than spend additional monies on blood work that would
likely not have shown us anything so early in her disease
process (as Chuckie's did not), we chose to allocate that
money toward Angelica's treatment.  We have discussed doing
blood work now to confirm the presence of the coronavirus
and we still may, though the focus obviously remains on
completing her treatment first.  She will receive her last
drip tomorrow and will then receive subcutaneous injections
of sodium ascorbate at home while we taper her off of the
high dose vitamin C in an effort to avoid any rebound scurvy
effect from stopping the C abruptly, since cats only make
the human equivalent of 2,800 mg of vitamin C in the liver
daily, far less than most other animals in the animal
kingdom (a goat makes the human equivalent of 13,000 mg
daily).  This is the reason that domestic cats and dogs are
so often ill with chronic and deadly viruses that their
immune systems cannot fight off.  Though they obviously
still have the gulonolactone oxidase (GLO) enzyme that
allows them to synthesize ascorbate from glucose in the
liver, the suboptimal feeding of canned and processed diets
has apparently altered their ability to synthesize it at
high enough levels to sustain optimal health, hence the
reason it is crucial that they receive supplemental vitamin
C added to their food.  Again, see

The third remaining litter mate, Tommy, to date appears
asymptomatic and remains healthy.  

Sally Snyder Jewell, Marketing Director
Tower Laboratories Corporation
Manufacturers of Pauling Therapy Formulas for Coronary Heart
Disease Since 1996
Toll Free:  1-877-TOWER-LABS (1-877.869.3752) 
Voice:  502.368.2720; 502.368.2721
Fax:  502.368.0019
Pauling Therapy Information Web site: 
Pauling Therapy Order Link:

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
>] On Behalf Of gary
> Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 12:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Reversal of FIP in my
six-month-old kitten
> I'm Very glad that Angelica has gotten better.  However,
at least
> with what
> you wrote, I don't see a diagnosis of FIP.  Was this a
> made by a
> vet?  Were there some tests run with results that were
> of FIP, or
> was this just from observation of clinical signs?
> Gary
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Jewell
> Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 9:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Reversal of FIP in my six-month-old
> Hi, All,
> Just dropping in to post about the success I have had in
> reversing FIP in one of my kittens.
> I pulled three six-week-old kittens from a kill shelter
> June and they have been healthy, happy and thriving.
> following their FVRCP vaccinations on October 8, 10 days
> later one of them, Chuckie, began with chronic high
> lethargy and inappetence.  When he didn't rebound in a few
> days, I, like so many others, took him for conventional
> veterinary treatment which consisted of the routine
> antibiotics and steroids.  When he did not respond to
> treatment they simply returned a diagnosis of "Fever of
> Unknown Origin," and sent me on my way, at which time I
> proceeded to a second, and yet a third "specialty" vet.
> They all returned the same diagnosis and basically
> Chuckie and me with no hope.
> I had no idea of what to do next but since I had seen such
> good results with intravenous vitamin C in my
> cat Linus (who is still alive nearly two years after his
> original diagnosis thanks to the treatments), I took
> to my vet who performs the ascorbate treatments for me and
> Chuckie was started on IV ascorbic acid immediately.  He
> received five days of the treatment but not consecutively
> and apparently at less then adequate dosages because
> he seemed much improved by the fifth drip, we mistakenly
> stopped the drips thinking he would remain better and two
> days later he manifested with severe neurological symptoms
> and two days after that he was dead.
> At around the same time Chuckie was dying his sister
> Angelica then became sick with the identical symptoms and
> stopped eating and had some transient neurological
> involvement.  This time, with the pain from Chuckie's
> and failed conventional treatment still very fresh, I
> realized that if Angelica was going to be saved we would
> have to bypass conventional vet medicine and get her
> on the intravenous ascorbate immediately.
> Her drips were begun on Tuesday, November 10 and according
> to the protocol of Wendell Belfield, DVM she was titrated
> quickly to 2 grams per pound of body weight (she weighed 5
> pounds and so she was receiving close to 10 grams of
> C intravenously by the third or fourth day).  Vitamin C is
> powerful virucidal and immune stimulant and because I work
> in this field, I am well familiar with the properties of
> this near miracle supplement.  See
> l_guide_1988.htm for information as to why and how vitamin
> kills viruses.
> As of November 19, 2009 Angelica has received nine
> intravenous ascorbic acid drips and again, we were able to
> successfully achieve the 2g per pound (10,000 mg at each
> drip) with no side effects whatsoever.  After her 6th drip
> her fevers began to remain down overnight (as Belfield
> predicted would happen), and now after 9 drips she is
> eating, putting on weight, and her fevers are consistently
> gone.  Though I'm always afraid to utter it aloud,
> especially after losing two other babies to what I now
> believe was FIP in both cases, Angelica appears to have
> beaten this despicable disease thanks to the power of
> intravenous ascorbate and the work of vitamin C pioneers
> like Linus Pauling and Dr. Wendell Belfield in vet
> Sally Snyder Jewell
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