We had a rescue this year with stomatitis, his mouth was in terrible shape
and he had to have all but his canines extracted.   He was treated for
Bartonella as well which may or may not have (controversial--everything
related to bartonella seems to be controversial) related to the stomatitis,
and was also put on Atopica.   He did AMAZINGLY and went from daily Atopica
to every other day and now has been weaned from it, is up to 15 lbs and
eating like a champ.

My understanding is that Atopica is safer than the steriods but not sure if
it depends on the situation as to what is best.

My vet also mentioned Bovine Lactoferrin as a supplement to try if he didn't
respond to the Atopica but we didn't since he did so well.  You can buy it
on Amazone (the bovine lactoferrin).

Good luck to you & your kitty!

On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 4:54 PM, <lernermiche...@aol.com> wrote:

> Hi. I'm fostering an FIV+ cat right now who has pretty bad stomatitis. We
> had his teeth cleaned and 6 of them removed, and after a few weeks of
> antibiotics post-dental surgery he was doing much much better-- eating a lot
> more, gained 3 pounds in 3 weeks, not seeming to have any mouth pain and the
> redness was all gone. We stopped the antibiotics (which had been clindamycin
> then switched to clavamox) and he remained ok for  a few days. He then went
> to a potential adoptive home with another FIV+ cat. A week later she called
> for us to get him back, largely because his mouth got really bad again. He
> is back on Clavamox, and has been for a few days, but is growling when he
> eats and can only eat wet food that we break up into very small pieces. His
> gums are very inflamed again. I had 6 FeLV+ cats, but was lucky that none
> had stomatitis like this. For those of you whose cats have it or had it,
> what do you recommend?
> thanks,
> Michelle
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