Amy, I was saddened to read that Wolfie has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  You 
were fortunate to have 6 wonderful years with him.  He was such a great kitty.  
I loved your story of him laying on your belly when your expecting.  Your baby 
to be must have loved listening to his purring.  

Treasure your memories of a great kitty.  I will burn a candle for him tonight 
to light his way.

--- On Mon, 8/23/10, Amy <> wrote:

> From: Amy <>
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Wolfie - Please add to CLS
> To:
> Date: Monday, August 23, 2010, 3:30 PM
> Wolfie left us today after a long
> battle with leukemia.  I took him in 6 years ago after
> he was found in a pole barn and was going to be put to sleep
> after testing positive.  I still remember going to see
> him for the first time.  He had cuts under his eyes and
> looked so sad.  I couldn't possibly resist even though
> my husband is horribly allergic to cats.  Wolfie
> thrived in our home and was a joy to live with for the past
> 6 years.  The horrible sores under his eyes went away
> and he grew to be one of my biggest boys.  He was
> always a momma's boy and spent hours and hours on my chest
> purring and kneading daily.  Even when I was pregnant,
> he spent every night on my belly.  He was the most
> opinionated cat I've ever had and he insisted on his way at
> all times but it was an honor to know him.  
> He was diagnosed with non-regenerative anemia on my b-day
> last year and has graced me with almost another year to
> enjoy him.  I'm so grateful for that time with
> him.  He has fought for the last year with such
> strength, courage and amazing determination.  However,
> he decided today was the end of the fight.  I wouldn't
> expect anything less from him.  My favorite number is
> 23 (hence my e-mail address awilkins23) and while it's a sad
> day, I'm glad that I will think of Wolfie with wonderful
> memories every time I see that number.
> Thanks for all the advice and support that I've been given
> while trying to help Wolfie beat this disease.
> Amy
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