Hello everone, It's been a long time to come back here - I need your help.
I am trying to reach out to as many as people possible hoping that, there will 
be a good solution to this situation.
One of the local rescue group have eleven 5 week old kittens (their moms were 
put back as TNR) - the kittens are all healthy.
The rescue group was going to euthanize all the kittens yesterday as they felt 
that, they would not be able to adopt them out.
but a feral cat/TNR group in town offered to take these kittens temporary in an 
effort to try to find a home for each one of them - I know it sound like a  
mission impossilbe - I strongly believe that, if we try hard enough, we can 
find a good home for everyone.
But I am hoping that someone in the groups may have some ideas or may be able 
to adopt/forester one or some of these kittens -
We just don't want them to get killed as they are so very healthy.
Please contact me personally if you have any idea/offers/suggestions at all - 
any idea is very much appreciated.
And please do feel free to forward this message to anyone.
Thank you.
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