Thanks Dana - and everyone else too!

My vet also had Capstar, so we used it with the Frontline. I'll definitely try the Dawn for cleaning. Thankfully, I have no carpeting, so it should be fairly easy. And he's kept in the basement, with a concrete floor that can withstand most anything. I'll need to do something with his kitty condo, but I'm thinking maybe I can "flea bomb" it in the shed and then return it to his room after it's aired out.

I had forgotten about diatomaceous earth - thanks for the reminder. That would be good for the yard, wouldn't it? We leave the screened basement window open for fresh air and I suspect that's how the fleas entered the house, so I'd like to treat the yard. There's a possibility they came with a dog I was fostering, but she spent 90% of her time upstairs and we haven't had a problem there (knock on wood).

I'm interested in the Hylands bioplasma tablets. I'll certainly Google them, but I'd also welcome any input you can offer. I have a high-strung Bengal that was surrendered by an owner who could no longer tolerate his bad behaviors, which included aggression, spraying, and self-mutilating licking/chewing. So far, the aggression and spraying haven't been a problem, but he continues to lick/chew himself raw. He's relatively new to me, but his previous owner sent his vet records with him and it looks as though this has been a problem since before she adopted him (at age 3) and she had him to the vet *many* times over the 3 years that she had him. They've done all sorts of testing and have always come back to anxiety issues. He's been on sedatives and she said that helps, but only for a while. He was doing fairly well here after he buddied up with one of the other rescues, but he still licks/chews at times. I'm wondering if the Hylands bioplasma tablets would help him.

Thank you again for your input!


----- Original Message ----- From: "dana giordano" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fleas

For you house, I recommend diluting Dawn dishwashing liquid soap (supposedly only the Blue Dawn works) and spraying it all over and under your furniture, walls floors - I couldn't get rid of my house fleas until I tried that last home remedy - and I think I've tried them all. The Dawn soap one works! It supposed to work as a desiccant and is one of the few I found that actually works on adult fleas, not the larvae. Put as much as your comfortable with,
I put a sqeeze or two in a small spray bottle.

For cleaning, I use white vinegar (straight) although you can dilute that
too if you want, and that is also supposed to be something fleas hate, or it
kils them...sorry I forget exactly on that one...

For putting ON the cats, I second the capstar , You could also carefully rub FOOD grade diatomaceous earth
powder in their fur. Be warned it's like drywall dust and extremely drying but it's an option. Food grade is ok for cats (and humans) to digest. I had one cat who would roll in it ( I dropped a small pile of it on the basement
floor) and he was my flea indicator. :)

I wouldn't recommend putting it all over your house it's messy, and the
small particles are not great for the lungs....I'd definitely stick with the

I had more success with the Dawn.

On another note - if your cat has flea allergies, and licking themselves
bald, I've found that giving them Hylands bioplasma tablets fixed that. The
one cat I have who does and had licked himself bald comes running for his
almost daily or sometimes twice daily pills when I shake the bottle. The
others I gave them to, come intermittently now when I shake the bottle, but
my little Hobbie was desperate for them. Over the winter, he didn't want
them as much but he's started to ask for them again now.


On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 12:24 PM, Cindy McHugh <> wrote:

I just realized our FeLV cat has fleas. Our other cats are housed
separately and haven't shown any sign of them, so I'd like to nip this in
the bud. I don't like using chemicals when I can possibly avoid them, but I
have to do something. Can anyone recommend an effective flea treatment
program for a FeLV+ cat? I'd also welcome suggestions of cleaning supplies
that won't harm him.

He's housed in our basement and really needs/deserves a forever home of his
own. He's fully vetted (vaccinated, neutered, and microchipped). He's the
sweetest cat we've ever fostered. He's a lovely blue/grey with green eyes.
Photos gladly provided to anyone interested.


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