Amen to that!

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 29, 2012, at 3:45 PM, Lorrie <> wrote:

> You're right Edna...... Just because someone goes to church or
> is a pastor doesn't mean the person gives a damn about animals.
> I've seen many so called religious people do HORRIBLE things to
> animals.  A lot of people feel God gave us animals to abuse. Now
> I'm not saying everyone is like that but I've seen many who are.
> Lorrie
> On 10-29, Edna Taylor wrote:
>>   Oh, like the one church where the "pastor" shot the dog or another one
>>   where people were told NOT to help and/or feed a stray dog; or how
>>   about the preacher who trapped his neighbor's cat, left it in the
>>   back of his truck in a trap for a few days before taking him to the
>>   shelter, shelter said "hey, he has a collar, cat belongs to your
>>   neighbor" so then he threw the cat off a bridge.  Yep, THOSE
>>   compassionate people?  pffffffffffffftttttttttt (sorry, for the
>>   rant, just sick of mean people)
>>     __________________________________________________________________
>>   Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 13:36:59 -0700
>>   From:
>>   To:
>>   Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat in Ohio needs home
>>   Is there a church nearby or a church or temple that you attend in the
>>   area.  Maybe they could provide shelter/housing for the cat until
>>   something permanent can be found for the poor kitty.  Aren't churches
>>   supposed to extend compassion to non-human animals also?
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