I would definitely want to take my babies somewhere where there is a person 
there with the animals all night.
She is beautiful! Black cats are my favorite!


Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter! www.Furkids.org

 From: Lance <lini...@fastmail.fm>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] [OT] congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic      

Thank you for your thoughts, Margo. Yes, surgery is stressful, and it could 
cause the FeLV to kick in. We've been very fortunate, but you never know what 
will happen when FeLV, FIV, or any other random health issue is in the mix. 

I am concerned that the hernia could progress. Maybe it won't happen tomorrow 
or next week or next month, but it seems like something to treat sooner rather 
than pressing our luck.

It does seem like this particular operation has a low incidence of mortality, 
and that the complications are usually easy to deal with. Hyperthermia is one 
of the most common complications, and that seems easy enough to guard against. 

I am considering taking her farther away to a veterinary teaching hospital, 
though the surgeon who did the diagnostic seems to be prepared for 
possibilities. I know that someone stays at his office all night to check on 
the animals. 

Still, yuck.


On Jun 14, 2013, at 12:58 PM, Margo <toomanykitti...@earthlink.net> wrote:

>>Hi Lance,
>>                 That's a really tough call. On the plus side is that Ember 
>>seems to tolerate anesthesia just fine.  The unknown is whether the stress of 
>>surgery and recovery will kick the FeLV back in. Gribble went under 
>>anesthesia to treat a partial urinary blockage, and that procedure seemed to 
>>be the catalyst that brought his FeLV to the surface. Before that we assumed 
>>that his negative FeLV/FIV test was accurate.
>>                  But he would likely not have survived without the 
>>procedure. So it wasn't really optional. I would think that Ember's hernia is 
>>somewhat the same. It is causing her distress, and could worsen. I can't 
>>possibly understand how you feel, but I think were she my cat, I would try to 
>>get her as "ready" as possible with whatever treatments have seemed to be 
>>beneficial to her to, and have the hernia repaired. The only other option 
>>seems to be to treat her palliatively, with the hope that her symptoms don't 
>>                   I'm thinking we'll all face this kind of choice, 
>>eventually. Mako has a lump on his side. We're watching it. Maybe it will 
>>stay the same. Maybe we'll be faced with a similar dilemma.
>>                   I am sure that your choice will be the right one for 
>>Ember. It won't be easy, but you'll research and weigh the alternatives. And 
>>you will hold Ember's best interests first and foremost. 
>>All the best,
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