That is good. You can offer Pedialyte with the water.

On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 6:27 PM, Jennifer Ballew wrote:

Well she is still drinking water for now, albeit not very much. So I guess
that's something.

On Oct 9, 2013 6:07 PM, "katskat1" <> wrote:

Good info Margo.  You definitely have to hydrate and keep hydrating
quickly Jennifer and force feed if necessary. Keep Amoxcillan (sp) on hand
at the very least but I suggest talk to your vet and buy/keep several
different types on hand with his/her help on determining which to start and
when.  Good luck.

On Wednesday, October 9, 2013, Margo wrote:

 Hi Jennifer,

                My first thought is to get her immediately on sub-q
fluids, and join the yahoo CRF list .

If you think about what a hangover feels like (or have someone who has over-imbibed explain the feeling) then you understand how dehydration makes her feel. Can you be a bit more specific about her blood counts? Is she anemic? Are her white cells low? What else is out of whack?

                  Not everything that happens to an FeLV cat is FeLV
related, but we do have to react faster, as they can't fight of even minor illness like a non-FeLV cat can. My + cats are on Interferon and DMG,
probably for the duration. Anything else that pops up we treat very
aggressively, and I have antibiotics on hand, which I often start even
before we get to the Vet, with her blessing.

                   Jennifer, it's unlikely she'll come out of it by
herself. Just resolving the dehydration may be key to getting her going again, it can make a HUGE difference. I'd ask the Vet if it's possible that she has an infection that might be causing some of this with her kidneys,
and if an antibiotic could be tried.

                    I watch my positives carefully. When Gribble was
first diagnosed, I was sure I would lose him. He had a fever of 107, which we brought down with ice and ketoprofen, and then his temp went down to 97. I did not expect him to live thru the night, so sat with him and moved him between bags of frozen veggies and a heating pad. He was about 2 at that time, early March of last year. He was assist fed, on two antibiotics (there wasn't time for a C&S) and started on Interferon ASAP. You might consider Immunoregulin, we bought it, but it's still on hold in case he relapses and doesn't respond to anything else. Mako also occasionally has some issues, and we treat with antibiotics and/or antivirals. The truth is that I don;t know if they get better because of that, or in spite of my

                     My advice would be to try to resolve the
dehydration, get some food into her, and request an antibiotic from the Vet (I use Zenequin, but others might be more appropriate). Keep her warm and
quiet, and love her.

All the best,


-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Ballew **
Sent: Oct 9, 2013 4:48 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Fwd: virus has finally caught up with her :-(

Hey all-

This is the first time I have posted to the forum.  I have two FeLV
positive cats, one two and one three years old. The older cat has never had any issues with illness whatsoever, but the younger has only recently started showing signs that her illness has caught up with her. Just within the last few days she has become very lethargic, stopped eating (and only drinks a small amount) and whenever she stands or walks she seems very unsteady and wobbly. I took her to the vet yesterday; they checked her blood counts which were low and said her kidney enzymes were elevated. They also said they could hear a heart murmur which is probably related to possibly being dehydrated. They gave her a B12 shot and I took her home.
I already said if worst came to worst I wouldn't put her through any
unnecessary treatments or subject her to any painful procedures and that I would strive only to provide the best supportive care for her while she was alive so that she would have the best chances. I'm just wondering if any of you have gone through the same thing and if I can expect her to pull out of this on her own, or, if she doesn't, how long she might have left. I'm sincerely heartbroken. I really thought I had nursed her through the most risky part of her illness (kittenhood) and that she would now go on to live a halfway long life. In any case, if anyone has any advice or information
I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks all,


"To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To hope is to risk pain.
To try is to risk failure,
But risk must be taken,
Because the greatest hazard in life
Is to risk nothing."
--Leo Buscaglia

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