After Annie and Nitnoy both tested positive twice, no more testing.   Results 
won't change after that much time.  Just let them mix with everyone.  They will 
enjoy life much better.

---- wrote: 
> Thank you to everyone who responded - let me just clarify something.  
> The ELISA testing that was done on Moe (2.5 year old, tested a year apart) 
> was NOT the SNAP test done in office, but it was done at an outside lab, 
> Antech Diagnositics.  
> Baby, the 4-5 month old, was both SNAP tested and IFA tested.
> So, does that change any recommendations?  One vet says that they can be put 
> together.  The other vet says that to be sure, we should wait another month, 
> and switch the testing on them.  Sigh......I am more confused than before if 
> that is possible.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: one23disco <>
> To: felvtalk <>
> Sent: Mon, Oct 14, 2013 6:43 pm
> Subject: Please help with testing confusion!
> I'm confused and hope people can help me to understand this.
> I have two cats who have tested positive for felv.  One, Moe has tested 
> positive twice on the ELISA, and the tests were done a year apart.  Baby, has 
> tested positive both on a SNAP and an IFA test - done two months apart.  
> Different vets were used.
> They have been kept separate, both from each other and our negative cats.
> So, the question is can they be safely introduced to each other?  Do I need 
> Moe to be retested using the IFA?  Do I need Baby retested using the ELISA?
> Please, any light that can be shed on this will be incredibly helpful.  Thank 
> you so much!
> Leslie & the furballs

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