Right I've heard bad things about Advantage Multi. 


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> On Nov 27, 2013, at 11:19 AM, trustinhi...@charter.net wrote:
> You don't have to put the full dose on the kitty to get some results. I also 
> use program on some of my cats that I cannot put a topical on. Foster and 
> Smith carries Program and you can order it online. I go to their outlet store 
> in Rhinelander, WI and get it for a reduced price when some packages are 
> damaged. I wouldn't do advantage multi...very strong. But I have used 
> Revolution and Frontline in the past with good results. I also vacuum with 
> regular table salt and/or baking soda on the carpets...kills the luittle 
> buggers cause their eggs dry up. Just apply a little salt/baking soda, wait 
> 30 minutes and vacuum. Carolyn
>> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 2:49 PM, Tracey Shrout wrote:
>> I use program suspension, and have used it for many years with excellent
>> results. They do not make it here in the US anymore, it comes from the UK,
>> and I get it from amazon.  It is one of the least toxic flea treatments
>> available, and that's why I use it.  It's a creamy substance that you mix
>> in their food.  I have 6 cats, and they eat it willingly...no problems.
>> I've heard they shut down the plant here in the US because of cleanliness.
>> I would never put a topical on a felv+ cat.  Be sure to change bedding
>> daily or at least every other day and vacuum like crazy.  You could also
>> look into the food grade diatomaceous earth...it takes some time and effort
>> to work though.  Good luck...Tracey
>>> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Michelle B <teals...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> I am having a crazy hard time keeping fleas off of my FeLV foster. I do
>>> flea comb at least once a day and keep everything very clean but they won't
>>> go away. I hate the thought of putting a topical on her because her nodes
>>> are huge and her immune sytem is already compromised but I know these fleas
>>> are no good either. I have no idea how they can still be on her because I
>>> have been so aggressive.
>>> Has anyone researched topicals for + cats? Like are there any that are
>>> 'safer' than others? I was thinking of trying Revolution on her....that way
>>> it it will keep away fleas, ticks, earmites, etc. Thoughts? She is 7 months
>>> old and healthy considering.
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