Hi Susan,

It's not a supplement, but I think I posted a link a while back about the use of Virbagen Omega in FeLV+ cats with stomatitis:


I haven't tried it yet, but may consider after Harley's next checkup. Last one he was showing what looked to be early stomatitis, but all his bloodwork was great, and it doesn't bother him to eat either kibble or canned. Or the occasional mouse that gets in the garage. Currently doing only Vetri-DMG and Vita-chews.


On 8/11/2014 9:06 PM, Susan Grimes wrote:
Hi everyone,
I have a 4 month old calico that just retested for a FIV+ original test and this week she tested FIV- and FeLV+. I have 7 other cats and have done rescue/foster work the last 3 yrs. We are waiting on IFA results now. I was reading the archives and read something about supplements to promote oral health/for stomatitis (?) now I can't seem to find that post. Can someone help me with that info? Am waiting on labs now to decide on course of treatment. Currently on Immunostim drops and Lysine treats.
Thanks, Susan

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