I did not mean that I found research or case studies on the drug, I meant that I searched the web for info about the drug for animals. I found that it should be used with caution in animals with heart disease and that it can cause severe liver disease in cats, which we already knew. My vet researches on a site where he can not only learn about the drug but if any other vets have tried it for felv+ cats. He did this for a drug I wanted to try on my stomatitis cats and although some vets (dentists) did not believe in the drug, we went ahead and used it and it did help my 2 cats. He is very open to working with me as I too have a house of misfit cats. All drugs have side effects and not all people or animals react the same way. But it is necessary to know what they are.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Amani Oakley" <aoak...@oakleylegal.com>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2015 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol

Hi Jane

I would be interested in knowing which research you have found. I have not located the research you reference. The only references to any link between Winstrol and heart issues which I have located, is not supported by any actual research nor even any case studies. I found suggestions linking Winstrol and heart issues in humans, but again, when examined closer, commentators have noted that again, there is no scientific support for the suggestion. The suggestion is made in connection with athletes who die suddenly from cardiac issues, but when looked at with any degree of care, several obvious things emerge: the athlete is on a cocktail of dozens of medication and the athlete is taking the medications at hundreds or thousands of times greater doses than recommended. It has taken me months and months of research to dig deep enough to get to this stage. What I seem to find, repeatedly, is that it is very easy to find a list of suggested concerns about Winstrol, but there is no s cientific support that I am able to find, that supports these listed concerns - and in fact, the opposite. Despite the fact that athletes regularly abuse Winstrol by injecting it or orally taking it at many, many times therapeutic dosage levels, there are almost no reports of adverse events with the Winstrol. As one article put it, it is the reason that professional athletes entirely ignore scientific warnings about Winstrol and the other performance-enhancing steroids. The article indicated that athletes saw scientists proven wrong twice: first, scientists said that the drugs were not effective, whereas the athletes knew otherwise, and virtually all spheres of professional athletics have a good proportion, if not the majority of athletes using these steroids to become faster, stronger, more resilient and to heal faster; second, scientists warned of the danger of these steroids, when athletes were aware of the unbelievably high doses they were using, with little or no advers
e effects.

How you want to proceed is up to you, but I suggest that if you actually want to try the Winstrol, asking your vet to do research will get you absolutely nowhere. I would expect the vet to encounter the reported concerns that seem to be repeated verbatim from site to site, with no references. I doubt most vets would go further, given what appears to be a high reluctance to use Winstrol - a reluctance which vets have told me stems from a report years back that Winstrol could cause liver damage.

I'll leave it at that.


-----Original Message-----
From: Felvtalk [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Jane Gannon
Sent: November-22-15 12:19 PM
To: Margo; felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol

I am going to make an appointment to take my positives to see my vet. I would like them to have a physical and a hematicrit done. My reasearch on winstrol says it should be used with caution in older pets with heart problems. Grayson is 12 and has a heart murmur. I would like my vet to research this on his vet site and help me to make a decision. I also have three 4 year old positives too. We have been trying to figure out when we may have gotten this disease in our house and we think it may have been 2013. Most cats don't live beyond 4 years after getting this. If your cat lived for 7 years that is amazing.

-- Original Message -----
From: "Margo" <toomanykitti...@earthlink.net>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2015 3:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol

Reading up on it will likely just reinforce his position. Literature does
not support it's use for this, and many Vets are simply not going to go
"off-label". I have often had to work three Vets at one time, for just
this reason. Some would support one thing, some another...


-----Original Message-----
From: dlg...@windstream.net
Sent: Nov 20, 2015 4:21 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org, felineres...@frontier.com
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol

Maybe if he bothered to read up on it and learn how good it is, he might
change his tune, but some people never learn.

---- Lorrie <felineres...@frontier.com> wrote:
You are fortunate, my vet absolutely refuses prescribe it for me, and
acted like it was a bad drug to use.

On 11-20, Amani Oakley wrote:
>    I never asked my vet, but I know she is quite comfortable with me
> using
>    Winstrol now for all kinds of conditions. I do know that at the
> outset,
> I was the only client of the clinic getting Winstrol. It was > always
> a
>    special order. But after a while, I started noticing that the
> Winstrol
>    sitting on the counter was not for me but for other clients, so I
> must
>    assume that she is prescribing it for other clients.
>    Amani

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