it all comes down to what you fel comfortable with.  My Annie was diagnosed 
felv when I got her at the age of 4.  she is happy and enjoys her life.  She 
shares my lap, food bowls, water fountains.  I believe hat due to stress, she 
tested positive and at the most is is a carrier.  at first, we kept the others 
vaccinated for felv but after a few years, no one tested positive and we 
stopped even that.  if your baby has been with you for a few years, has 
exhibited no signs of the disease, I would let her into the house with the 
others.  that is my opinion, but it will be up to you.

---- Sue Freeman <> wrote: 
>         I am new to this group, but not to FIV/Felv. I rescued a sweet guy, 
> that personally I think was dumped in my neighborhood. He started coming 
> around my home and tried to make it his home, but then he stopped coming 
> around. I could only imagine what could have happened to him. About a year 
> later he showed up! I was now volunteering with a local rescue group and they 
> helped me to trap him and get him fixed. We actually had someone that wanted 
> to adopt him, but unfortunately when he tested positive they backed out. I 
> felt so bad for him, as he was the sweetest fellow. I was planning on sending 
> him to a sanctuary, but my husband wanted to try some natural remedies that 
> he had heard had amazing effects. They ended up not doing what we had hoped, 
> but in the mean time, I had become very attached and felt it wouldn’t benefit 
> neither him nor myself to send him away. so, we built him and outdoor 
> enclosure that he can go in and out of through the window in his own room in 
> the back of my home. I have other cats, so he had to be isolated. =(  He does 
> get company throughout the day between myself and my older son, who does his 
> school work on the computer, located in Butch’s room. Between the two of us, 
> it sometimes gets to be long nights, so that he doesn’t have to be alone for 
> too long.
>       I have had Butch now, for almost two years. We think he’s about 4-5 
> years old. We have been through the removal of most of his teeth and the 
> removal of a small tumor on his foot. He has a great appetite, went from 
> 9-14lbs, everything still works. If not for his status, he is a very healthy 
> guy. My Vet still doesn’t understand why he is still with us. I honestly 
> didn’t think he would be here this long either, which brings me to my 
> problem. As much as I try to keep him company, he is pretty lonely. I try to 
> play as much as I can with him. Red lazor lights, stuffed toys on strings 
> etc… He has a cat tree and other places to perch on and in. He has his 8x8 
> outdoor enclosure with a motion light for when he goes outside, but its 
> getting colder out and he doesn’t stay out there too long anymore, especially 
> at night, which is when I get the most guilty for leaving him alone, but I 
> have to sleep sometime. Plus, like I said, I have other kitties that look for 
> my attention too. =/
>       Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can make his life here not so 
> boring? I can’t get another cat with the same status, even though that would 
> be golden, but I’d just end up in the same situation when one of them passes 
> away. He would love another kitty, which is why he came around in the first 
> place, but its not realistic. So any help would be great. Also, I was reading 
> a couple of threads about a steriod. Does this make it possible for FIV/Felv 
> cats to interact with healthy cats? Or does it help in reversing their 
> status? Any info on that too would be appreciated. 
>       Please know, I realize there probably isn’t a magic pill to make this 
> all go away, but I also don’t know how long Butch is going to be with me and 
> it just seems so unfair that he has to be alone for so long. I love him a 
> lot. He is my buddy and he looks forward to me being with him. We cuddle a 
> lot at night, and I try to make sure he’s sleeping before I go to bed myself. 
>  FreeAgain, any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
>  Thank you for listening.
>       Sue Freeman

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