I am so sorry that he passed, but glad that he was in his bed, with you at his 
side.  Maybe he did not have long  but his time with you was a time filled with 
love.  Yes, it will take some time to get over this hurt, but as you say, you 
will be able to give another FELV cat love.  You will always have memories.

---- ROBERT CHAPEL <bcha...@optonline.net> wrote: 
> Over the months some of you might recall my little guy Yogi for whom I 
had asked advice ( mostly about his eyes) on several occassions and most 
recently for suggestions related to making money to be able to keep 
treating him..
Well my little Yogi passed away in my arms on Sunday morning....He had 
started to go downhill a few weeks ago when his HCT dropped over a few 
weeks to 14....   I did manage to get my hands on some Winstrol thanks 
to the efforts of others on this forum to whom I am eternally grateful 
but he faded too fast for it to have adequate effect ( or he simply was 
not one of the cats that was going to respond to it)
He got to pass peacefully at home on the bed that he knew so well and 
with the hand of the guy that loved him and worked to keep him alive all 
these months stroking him..  I had actually made arrangements to put him 
down later that day after seeing the condition he was in that morning.  
I'm SO glad I didn't have to keep that appointment.
It's been a tough go...   The little guy never really knew more than a 
few months of health.
There was , honestly, nothing really remarkable about him ...just a 
ratty little skinny thing with one clouded over eye.... but he was a 
sweet gentle little soul that never so much as  attempted to scratch me 
despite all the things I had to put him through to keep him alive.... 
There was almost nothing left of him at the end ( started with him at 6 
months old and 7.5 lbs and progressively over a year lost 3 lbs ( about 
40% of his body weight .  I probably would have put him down on at least 
3 occassions if it wasn't for all the good advice and suggestions I got 
from all of you that helped me press on .
So now I go from hurting every day watching him go downhill to the one 
big hurt of losing him....  it will pass in a bit of time( though 
certainly not today!) and it gives me the opportunity to give a home to 
another FeLV Cat that would have spent it's life in a cage...... and to 
give a playmate to my still healthy guy who is still very much a Kitten 
in his actions and DYING to have someone to play with...this time I will 
FOSTER so that I don't go broke with cat care if the next little 
guy/girl starts to go south well ahead of time...
Thanks to  all of you for being there for FeLV cats...  You all are the 
one bit of luck the kitties who have come under your care have had....

Warwick NY

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