Hi  Helene,

Is Sam/Sammy short for Sampson?  When I was growing up our two cats were
Sampson and Delilah!  My mother named Delilah for that old Tom Jones song
(she named me after Julie Andrews who was on the radio singing songs from
'Camelot' when she was pregnant with me!), so, what else could Sam be
named?! (We learned to keep Mom away from the radio!)

Seriously, this ringworm is a miserable thing; Chappy lost all the hair on
his head overnight! Now, granted, he did have other patches on his body
that were being treated, but he just went bald one night and it didn't look
like the other pathches which were round, scaly, red, etc.  His head was
just bald as a baby's butt and not irritated at all.  I was sure he had had
a reaction to Orbax (he'd been on it for about 2 days) and rushed him into
the vet, but they took a scraping and cultured it and it was
ringworm......since they do go out, it's possible that they could have
picked it up from the yard; it seems the horrid stuff can live/grow/thrive
anywhere, and on anything!

Since you're lucky, lucky, lucky enough to have a vet who will do
housecalls, I'd ask him to try to culture it just to rule it out.
I personally would not vaccinate Delilah.


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